Part 13

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After Yn went inside the mansion I went towards my car and started driving at a fast speed. I didn't care about anything. I asked Luna and Grace for help in proposing Yn and they told me that her dream proposal is by the lake under moonlight. I was confident that she would say yes but what happened? My thoughts were interrupted by a call from Jin Hyung,  I pulled over and attended the call. OTP:-

SJ- Kook where are u?

JK- I just left

SK- Why? Did she say no?

JK- Yes (voice cracking)

SK- where are you now?

JK- On my way back to the mansion.

SK- OK we are also leaving.

Then I cutted the call and rushed back to the mansion.

As soon as I reached there I went to have a cold glass of water, it helped me cool down a bit then all the others entered the mansion and started calling my name from the hall. 


As soon as Jungkook appeared from the kitchen everyone's eyes were on him, but he came and sat on the couch in the living room. Everyone looked at each other , showing their concern for the younger male. "Jungkook, what exactly happened at the garden?" Jin finally broke the uncomfortable silence "Hyung, s-she said no ,she didn't tell me why" Jungkook said with sadness filled in his voice, "is it because of the mafia world?" Namjoon asked carefully. "I asked her that but she said the reason is something else" Jungkook replied. "It's all my fault I thought she was over him so I told you to ask her out today" Luna said with her eyes filled with guilt "no it's not your fault" Suga said as he hugged her. "But we should have told you about him before proposing to her" Grace said as she was about to cry noticing that Taehyung brought her to his embrace. "Umm....... Not to sound rude or anything but who is he?" Jimin said "He is Kai (not the idol) her ex...." 

Grace said "They both dated in highschool and in the beginning of collage, but he cheated on her with Blair who was also her close friend at that time, when Yn confronted him he said that no one will ever be able to love her because of her cold nature" Luna added "Blair as in Blair Foster? Who's Dad is english and lives in London and Mom is korean?" Jin asked, "yes, do you know her?" Grace asked "She dated Hobi for 6 months but turns out she was a gold digger  she took some of our money and some documents about our warehouse outside the city and ran away with someone, we are still looking for her" Jin said "I will kill both of them" Hoseok said and everyone know that if he decides on something he will get it done no matter what. "Do you think Yn still loves him?" Jungkook asked "No we are sure that she doesn't" Luna said "THEN WHY SHE SAID NO" Jungkook shouted and stood up making everyone flinch "Jungkook we understand that you are frustrated but sit down there is no point in shouting" Hoseok said in a calm voice.'' Maybe she said no because she didn't want to go through the pain of being cheated on again?" Hoseok suggested "If that's the case then will not stop till she says yes" Jungkook said "we all will help you in whatever way possible" Jin said and everyone nodded in agreement . 

On the other hand


I woke up in the morning with a sharp pain in my head. It's probably because of all the crying last night, I somehow made my way to the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror "I look like a zombie" I mumbled to myself while tracing my fingers over my face. Tear-stained cheeks, pale skin, red puffy eyes from crying, dark circles and messed up hair. 

I did my morning routine and did some makeup to make myself look more alive and human. I went down to have breakfast where Jackson oppa was already sitting waiting for me. "Good morning Yn" he said "Morning" I said in my usual cold voice and took a seat in front of him. "You know you can reply to me for once in a nice way" he said "Last time I replied to you nicely there was an earthquake idk what will happen this time, I am not taking any risk" I replied with full of sarcasm and gave him a fake smile. 

The maids came and served us breakfast, and we began eating our breakfast. Jackson was telling me about the weapons deal we had today. Then a guard came in and said, "Miss Yn, there is someone who wants to meet you" "who?" I asked, "He is refusing to tell us." I thought for a second, "Let him in." the guard bowed and left "lets go to the couch" Jackson said I nodded and followed him. When we entered the living room there was a man sitting with his back facing us, he sensed our presence and got up "So nice to finally meet you Miss Yn" he said "Do I know you?" I asked, "Aww...did you forget me?" he fake pouted "That's why I asked" I said in a sarcastic way "Looks like you didn't change much" he said but now his voice was completely different from before and he sounded a lot like someone I knew, I looked at him with wide eyes and a slightly shocked expression "looks like you got your memory back" he said  "What the f*ck are you doing here?" I asked in a annoyed tone "Is this the way you treat your guest? Anyways I got a gift for you since it's your first day in the mafia world" he said and pointed his hand over a gift basket placed on the table in front of the couch "I don't want anything from you Kai" I said "And what's with your face got a plastic surgery to get rid of the ugliness or what?" I added "oh this, glad you brought it up" he said pointing to his face. 

He then started to pull off the face mask to reveal his real face "there is the shitti face I didn't want to see" I said as soon as he took off his mask "Ouch! That hurts" he said in a dramatic way, the fact that he was acting like it was not a big deal was making my blood boil. I just wanted to shoot him in his head for what he did. "You- I was cut off by the bell, oppa signalled the maid to open the door a few minutes later BTS' Grace and Luna entered the room "What are you guys doing here this early?" 

Jackson oppa asked them "We all got a message that you asked you to come rn" Jin said "But we didn't send any message" I replied "Oh that was me" Kai said "Who is this f*ck face?" Jimin asked "More importantly what is he doing here?" Grace said and her voice was full of anger. I was a little bit shocked to hear that as she never got angry over anything. "Can't I visit my lovely ex-girlfriend?" he said "no you can't" Luna replied in an annoyed tone. "It's still too early for this" Jackson said and sat on the couch,  we all gave him ''Are you serious?" Look "what? My legs are hurting from standing for so long and it looks like this drama will last for some time" he said and then we all also sat down on the couch. "Now tell us why are you really here?" I said "Just wait a little bit more, you will see" He said "Kai I am running out of patience" I said "Just a little-" he got cut off by the doorbell and soon someone entered who made me lose all of my control "Hello everyone, long time no see, hu?"she said  I just rolled my eyes and let out a long disappointed sigh "What is this b*ch doing here?" Hoseok said "Looks like you all didn't miss me" she said "Oh don't be a fool I really want to punch that plastic face of yours" I said with gritted teeth. 

"After all these years and your attitude is still the same" she said "Well not everyone is fake like you Blair '' Luna said "Btw forgot to ask how is life with your new boyfriends?" she said looking at Luna and Grace they both were shocked for a minute they looked at me I just turned my head towards my side to avoid eye contact, I was not mad or upset just disappointed that they didn't told me first "Looks like they didn't told you, what happen to no secretes between us bullsh*t of yours" she said in a mocking tone " Looks like they don't see you as a friend anymore" as soon as she said that I lost it I got up and gave the a tight slap of her face which was enough for her to make her fall on floor I made her get up by her collar  "I DARE YOU TO SAY ONE MORE WORD AGAINST THEM AND I WILL ENSURE THAT YOU NEVER OPEN YOUR MOUTH AGAIN" I yelled, "Leave her you maniac" Kai said but now the anger got the best of me and I started choking her, I felt someone pulling me from behind "Leave her she is not worth it" I didn't want to let go but his grip was strong after seeing that I was not releasing her he grabbed my wrists and pulled me away. I turned around and saw that it was Jungkook, I was about to say something but I got cutted off by Blair coughing loudly. " Yn You will regret this," she said with gritted teeth. "Before anyone tries to kill anyone else let me announce that he will be here" Kai said, "And who is he?" Jackson asked .

He is....... 

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