Part 16

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I woke up with a sharp pain in my upper body, more specifically my shoulder. The last thing I remember is that I was with Jungkook in front of the warehouse. I had some trouble focusing my eyes, and after some time I realised that I was in my room. There was a knock on the door, then the door opened revealing Jackson oppa "Oh you are finally up" he said and came near me "are you feeling better?" he asked "what the f*ck happened?" I asked "Han got to know about the plan, he was there at the warehouse, he coated the bullet with some drug and shot you" he said "who is the black sheep?" I asked, "we are still working on it" he said "where is Jung-" I got cutted off by the door opening revealing Jungkook "You are finally up" he said and gave me a tight hug, which I gladly returned. 

But we got disturbed by Jackson oppa "I am still here" he said, we pulled away and looked at him "are you both dating?" he asked "yeah" I replied. He just nodded and went out of the room "you ok?" I asked "yeah I shot Han in the hand and was able to escape in time" he said "are others okay?" I asked "yeah we all completed our mission" he said. Then suddenly everyone came into the room "Our plan worked, Han is on the run, they are having internal war for the next leader" Namjoon said smiling brightly, Luna and Grace came and sat next to me "You scared us" they said and hugged me tightly "and congrats you are no longer single" they added which made my eyes widen "which talented idiot told u?" I asked "Your brother" they said and pulled away, I looked at him and he was smiling nervously "you really had to ruin my surprise" I asked, "you both can fight later we know where Han is lets kill him and end this today" Hoseok said, "but we still have a black sheep between us"  I said "well we are looking for that but we need to kill han quickly before he joins some other gang or flee away" Jin said "then lets go" I said.

 After sometime we all got ready and left for the location which Jimin slipped in his watch last night. It was an old factory at the outskirts of the city.we stopped some distance away from it and went inside Jungkook, Jin. Namjoon,Jackson and I went from the front. We searched all the rooms and in the last room on the top floor we saw three people's shadow and heard some voices, it looked like they were planning on going to Italy and restarting their mafia group. I signalled the other that I am entering with that me and Jin entered the room while others followed "YOU?" I asked as soon as my eyes landed on a man in his 50s "Did you like my surprise?" he asked "Long time no see Han, time for your death" Jackson said, I was still standing dumbfounded trying to process what I just saw "Yn what happened" Jungkook asked "she got a bit shocked to see that her mentor is actually her biggest enemy" Kai said coming out of the corner "How?" was all that came out of my mouth. 

"Well meet the black sheep of your group" Blair said coming out of her hiding spot, she was pointing towards me "What the f*ck are you talking about?" Jimin said "Yn remember you got a deep cut in your thigh and had to get stitches because of the broken fence?" Kai said, bringing back the incident which happened three years  ago "Yeah, what about that?" I asked with a bit of hesitation "well i may or maynot have asked the doctor to put an audio and tracking chip in your body" he said with a smirk plastered on his face, "YOU DID WHAT?" Jackson said "the next day we broke up, my work was done here, and who wants to be with a bitch like-" he got cutted off as I shot him in his head. "Told you to choose your words carefully" I mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear, it was followed by a chuckle from Hoseok "well there goes cheater number one and here goes cheater number two"he said and shot Blair "what did you do?" Han asked "something that I should have done long before" Hoseok mumbled. "Now it's your turn" I said and started punching him mercilessly, taking out all of my anger which I had for years. 

After around 20 minutes I stopped panting heavily, Han was badly beaten up with a lot of bruises, my hands were also swollen red with blood dripping out of them. "Oppa it's your turn" I said while giving my knife to him, he took my knife went towards Han and made him sit on his knees, he kept the knife on his throat "this is for killing my dad, uncle and aunt" he said and cut open his throat. We watched how blood came out of his mouth and he died. We all asked the guards to clean up this mess and went home. 

Four years later

You woke up feeling a ticklish on your face, you opened your eyes to see Jungkook slaying next to you showering your face with kisses, "Good morning love" he said in his morning raspy voice "hmm...good morning" you said and closed your eyes again and snuggled closer to him causing him to giggle. "No one will believe that you are the most dangerous mafia queen if they saw you like this" he said wrapping his hand around you "I don't care, it's still early" you both were like this for sometime till you were disturbed by a cry, "looks like your daughter is up'' you said "I will get her" he said and went out of the room, you were too tired to even get up. You and Jungkook got married last year and now you both had a three month old daughter Hazel,because of whom you couldn't get enough sleep.

He came back carrying her to you "Looks like she needs you" He said and gave Hazel to you, as soon as she came in your embrace she stopped crying, "Looks like someone was missing me" you said and looked at Jungkook who was sulking "why are you her favourite?" he asked in a whinging tone. "Now you don't start acting like a baby one is enough for me" you said and motioned for him to join you in bed he came next to you and got under the covers. Hazel was now fast asleep in your arms. You laid her down between you both and laid down as well. "It's still early I 'm going to sleep again" you said in a low voice and closed your eyes. "Sleep well lovelies' ' he said and pecked both of your forehead wrapping his arms around both of you going to sleep again, securing his world in his arms before drifting into his dream land. 

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