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Steve's pov:

"So we know our role?" I state. They nod and spread beginning to suit up. "We can do this." Howard states.

"I'm doing it for Buck..." I sigh grabbing my shield. "Can you do it for Annie as well?" He asks me.

"Why do you care who I do it for?!" I yell.

"ANNIE STARK-BARNES WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND, SHE WAS BASICALLY FAMILY TO YOU AND TO BUCKY! BUCKY WAS YOUR FAMILY, YOU SAY BROTHER... if you say that then she's your sister in law... and you don't feel one spec of sympathy or pain in the loss of Antonia?" He looks at me in pain and confused.

I hesitate before answering.

"No. I don't feel anything for Antonia..." I state then turning my back on him.

Antonia means nothing to me, I don't care what she has in this world, she's nothing!

But it's time to fight.

Riding my motorcycle I spot a few soldiers chasing me, I click a button which sends a roped arrow to get rid of them. Then I set my flame thrower to burn the other soldiers. Two others go off route so I zoom past them pulling the pin to blow them up. Then we go!

I attach my shield to the front of my motorcycle as I approach the Hydra base, a large gun that they developed begins to attack me.

Then a tank come into view but I sort it out by clicking a button and blowing it up. I use the base as a ramp to make my way to the other side to fight the other soldiers.

I click another button and jump off my motorcycle then begin fighting the other soldiers. I watch my motorcycle blow up at the large guarded gate which would be my entrance.

But eventually I'm surrounded, I'm surrounded by Hydra soldiers with fire, so they take me. They take me to the red skull.

"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trade but I must say you do it better than anyone..." he steps closer to me. "But there are limits to what you can do. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?" He tilts his head as he asks.

"He told me you were insane" I state.

"Ahh, he resented my genius, and tried to deny me of what was rightly mine. But he gave you everything!" He states. "So...what makes you so special?!"

I scoff at him. "Nothing. I'm just a kid from Brooklyn!"

And with that he punches me twice in the face and one to the guy making me fall while still being slightly held up. I cough then look up slowly.

"I can do this all day" I pant.

"Oh of course you can. But sadly I'm on a tight schedule" he pulls out a gun. But I just smirk. Then right on cue my men pull the wall away from the actual building.

"So am I" then I attack. I make a run for the hallway after Red Skull left, I'm given my shield and almost burnt alive. As Red Skull runs, I throw my shield to stop the door from closing and I find Peggy.

We stand close but she cuts the tension. "Weren't you about to?" She point to the door.
"Right" I run after Red Skull but the plane is already moving. Crap.

A car is behind me but I ignore it until I realise it's Colonel Philips and Peggy. "Get in!" He yells.

He quickly gets me closer and I'm about to jump, "wait!" Peggy panics. I look back and kiss her. It's really nice. It's great. When I look back up I look at colonel Philips, "I'm not kissing you" he states.

Then I jump, making my sacrifice. Getting on the plane, I notice that there are bombs on board...

I'm attempting to be subtle but some soldiers realise and I fight, I get rid of the soldiers and eventually, it's just me and Red Skull. I know he's on board.

Slowly, I walk to the front of the plane, it's doesn't look like there is anyone in the chair. My senses believe that there is presence behind me, I turn and he shoots one of his awesome guns which my shield blocks. Man, that really isn't a good look.

"You don't give up do you?!"

Never! I need to kill him, but I can't loose. He'll kill me... but then I'd see Bucky again. So I fight. I fight to win. For Bucky. I will live for Bucky. And for Peggy.

However, the worst comes when I accidentally throw him I got he control panel. Bad mistake. The plane starts descending, it's like I'm flying!

We fight mid air, nonstop! Come on Steve!!

Red Skull makes his way to turn on autopilot, good! The plane begins to cruise on a steady level, but I thud to the ground. Ow!

"YOU COULD HAVE THE POWER OF THE GODS!" He shouts over the wind from the plane window begin broken. He sends a large blast with a pistol, I dodge it anyways. "Yet you wear a flag on your chest and think you fight for nations"

This guy is a psycho!

"I have seen the future captain! There are no flags!"

"Not my Future!" I yell.

I retrieve my shield and attack Red Skull with it, the blue power source is destroyed. Is that good?

Some weird particle thing happens and it's quite mesmerising.

"What have you done?" He exclaimed. Uh I don't actually know because I don't know what that is.

He grabs the blue cube. "No!"

It glows, wow!

It opens a portal or something, it's a galaxy, it's so beautiful. But... he's designating!

Oh my god!

He's gone... and the cube drops. It melts through the layers of the metal. But that's not important. I have to land this plane...


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