Chapter 3-A Hiccup

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It hadn't even been a day and things had already started to go downhill. Hiccup easily trained the dragons inside the arena, but the ones on the outside were just being dragons. They weren't setting anything aflame or hurting anyone on purpose. But crushing things and eating the livestock is another question upon itself.
Hiccup didn't even seem to care as he went through the town quickly on top of toothless, speeding towards the weapons shop and blacksmith. He expected to only find Gobber there, maybe a new kid to be a replacement, so when he saw Fishlegs it was quite a shock. toothless skirted to a stop right in front of the store window. Anyone within ten feet backed away to twenty, and those even further. No one wanted to be around a dragon, especially one with a competent rider.
"I didn't expect to see you here," hiccup started, "especially with all the sharp objects."
"well you know, Gobber always needed an extra hand...and a leg," Fishlegs tried to joke, glancing at the night fury in fear.
toothless was on high alert being around Vikings for longer than a few hours. He'd been captured more than once and got more defensive the more it happened. when he made eye contact with Fishlegs he growled, a fire simmering inside.
Hiccup placed a hand on toothless' head, and soothed him, "Woah there bud, this was the only one that wasn't a complete jerk to me."
"heh yeah.." Fishlegs cleared his throat, "so why are you here exactly?"
"that would have been my question," the voice of Gobber echoed from inside the shop as he came to the window.
"metal scraps, leather, a few tools," hiccup stated, getting straight to the point, "tongs, sledgehammer, and a spring swage."
"yeah, and what have you got in return for it?" Gobber asked expectantly.
hiccup seemed confused before realizing his mistake, "right-sorry I'm so used to only talking to trader Yohan instead. what currency does berk use now?" hiccup went to the satchel attached to toothless' saddle.
"We don't," Gobber stated, a bit of anger in his voice, "we still trade, hiccup."
Hiccup turned back and sighed out, "alright, I don't have much on hand but what do you want?"
"Well that sword you got is pretty interesting, I'd trade a lot for something like that," Gobber bargained almost trying to joke, but in a serious way.
"how about this," hiccup took a step back and whistled, and a monstrous nightmare almost twice the size of toothless came up. both Gobber and Fishlegs took a few steps back as the dragon snorted, and smoke came from its nostrils. Hiccup pulled a jar from his satchel and went up to the nightmare and gave it a few snout pets before going to its neck. he used his wrist braces to scrape some of the gel from its body and put it into the jar. he went back over to the window and placed the jar down, "nightmare gel. It's how the monstrous nightmare lights itself up. and what I use in my sword."
Gobber raised an eyebrow before shrugging and taking the jar, "alright you've got yourself a deal. Fishlegs give him what he asked for, just not too much of the metal. I still need it."
"Uh-sure yeah," Fishlegs went back to get the things and looked to Gobber, "why are we giving him all this just for that...?"
"Because if we don't, I don't wanna know what he'll do with all those dragons," Gobber hissed, trying not to have hiccup hear.
Fishlegs shivered at the thought and just did as he was told. Brining the supplies to Hiccup, and placing them on the shop window.
Hiccup looked and smiled a little, grabbing the items and packing them up. He then mounted toothless and looked at his old friend, "thank you." And he left.
Astrid walked into the arena. Having to hear complaints all day about seeing the so-called "enemy" being around and not killed. She had more important things to do than try and get people to agree.
"Hiccup!" She yelled out, not seeing him in the arena, "where is he?"
And the blur of toothless dropped from the top of the arena, hiccup wasn't anywhere to be seen, but toothless growled. Prowling around Astrid, getting ready to pounce.
"Oh great..." Astrid took the axe from her back and started to circle with the night fury. Toothless charged a plasma blast inside, getting ready to fire at Astrid.
"Alright, Dragon. I can't kill you but I'll deal some damage," Astrid began to run at him, "I'll deal with hiccup later!"
As Astrid swung she heard metal clashing with metal. She looked and saw hiccup there blocking her axe with his sword.
"What do you think your doing," hiccup calmly spoke, making it all too scary how relaxed he was.
"He attacked me first I wasn't-"
"You really think I'll believe you."
Toothless growled, and hiccup looked back and backed off Astrid. She lowered her axe, watching as hiccup knelt in front of toothless.
"You can't just attack them right now, she won't try to hurt you," hiccup reassured toothless but the dragon was not having it, pushing past hiccup and looking at the Viking with the weapon. Hiccup watched him and understood, standing up and held his hand out in front of Astrid, "I'm going to need your axe."
"What? I'm not just going to be defenseless with that thing-"
"Just hand it over. He won't hurt you I promise," hiccup reassured, still holding his hand out.
Astrid looked between hiccup and the dragon, debating and worrying what was the better option. She eventually groaned and gave her axe to hiccup. And watched as he tossed it to the side, very offended on what he did. But her mood changed as toothless stopped growling and tilted his head. She noticed his pupils had changed from thin slits to more rounded rectangles. She still took a step back, but as she did toothless got closer.
"What is he doing," Astrid's voice was laced with worry.
"Just let toothless do his thing," hiccup reassured.
"You named it toothless-it's a dragon it's probably got rows of them!" Astrid kept backing away, starting to panic.
"Just stay still," hiccup insisted.
She stood completely still as toothless came up and circled close around her. He shoved his big head under her arm and up by her face, sniffing her hair and letting out a snort in her face. And he went back over to hiccup, who was laughing at Astrid.
"Oh I bet you found that hilarious," Astrid rolled her eyes, trying to wipe the smell of dragon breath off her face.
Hiccup's laughs subsided and he looked at her, "well yeah. But hey good thing is he likes you."
"Oh great the dragon kings pet night fury likes me, yay me," Astrid mocked him.
Hiccup rolled his eyes and let out a breath, petting toothless. He went to go walk off back into one of the dragon cages, but Astrid followed.
"I didn't come here to make friends with you, you need to get a hold of all your dragons," Astrid started, "there destroying things and the village isn't wanting to greet them all with open arms."
"Well I can't stop them from doing what dragons do," he just continued walking, "it's in their nature."
Astrid sped up to grab him by the shoulder, and turn him towards her, "Well you need to stop that nature stuff before Stoick decides to break your deal and start killing them again."
He looked at her for a moment, before he turned away, moving his shoulder to get her to let go, "we'll be leaving as soon as I fix toothless' tail. So unless you want to help it'll take me a few hours."
Astrid stepped back a bit and let out an angered sigh. She left the arena and went to find stoick. They didn't want him to leave, They just wanted the dragons too.

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