Chapter 13-The King's Edge

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They flew for hours, but it only felt like minutes with the scenery and many tricks toothless and hiccup would show off to Astrid. When they did finally make it to the edge, the sun was beginning to set.
Astrid looked around hiccup to see the island, and it was swarming with dragons. they came in every shape color a size. She was first amazed by them, then There were a few structures. they were all tall, most painted to have dragon heads, most seeming they were only for defensive purposes. Then they came up upon what looked like a home-like build, but it had open levels below that had things ranging from weapons and armor to food troughs for dragons.
toothless flew up to the balcony like top and landed. hiccup got off as Astrid let go, he turned to help her off, but she had already slid down the other direction. he have toothless a few pets and began to walk to the edge of the balcony. He looked out to the place he had called home for the past few years, and let out a relieved sigh.
Astrid walked around toothless and up next to Hiccup, and took in the view. she took in a big breath, and let it out. hiccup glancing at her.
"it's beautiful," she was truly amazed.
hiccup smiled a little, looking out again, "it really is."
Toothless, let out a small trill, making hiccup turn to him. the night fury began to climb up on top of the building and hop around a little until it came up to the front and tilted his head at hiccup.
"no toothless doesn't," hiccup tried to stop his dragon but it was too late. toothless had already turned his head to the sky and fired two plasmablasts. as one collided with the other, the explosion was much larger and louder than most.
hiccup sighed and turned around, as hundreds of dragons began to fly in front of the house. toothless came down and next to hiccup, sitting very proudly next to him. Hiccup chuckled a bit until Astrid stepped back a little seeing all the dragons. he took her hand lightly, and she looked at him. he gave her a small smile of reassurance, and she gave a small nod. He let go of her hand and stepped up next to toothless. who gave a bellowing roar out to all the dragons. after a short moment, they all began to bow, or, what looked like bowing. Astrid watched as all the dragons, even ones twice the size of toothless and four times the size of hiccup, bowed to both of them. she looked at the beings next to her, who both stood with dignity and earned respect from the dragons. then, toothless let out another blast and all the other dragons began to spread out and leave back to their own thing. toothless went back on all fours, looking at hiccup and Astrid with his gummy smile.
Astrid let out a breathy chuckle, "wow, you really are the king of dragons."
hiccup looked at her, and put his hand on the back of his head nervously, "I guess, it's all toothless though." toothless then continued to nudge hiccup, and hiccup sighed, "ok it's mostly toothless. I guess I could be called the dragon king among Vikings."
Astrid smiled at him a little and looked back out at the sun sinking beyond the horizon. hiccup followed her gaze and watched the sun go down. toothless then let out a small trill, and hit hiccup with his tail, making him stumble over shoulder to shoulder with Astrid. he mumbled an apology to her before glaring at his dragon, who laughed at him.
Astrid glanced at hiccup, before looking back to the sun, as it disappeared from view. She leaned slightly onto hiccup's shoulder, taking in the moment. Hiccup himself felt warmer, and gazed down at Astrid for a few moments, before looking to the darkening horizon. He hesitantly, and lightly, put an arm around her. very prepared to be pushed away in an instant, but found himself still there even after a few minutes. while they were silent, it was comfortable and sweet.
It was a beautiful afternoon, and the turning to night was even more gorgeous.
Astrid had been, basically pleaded, to be the one to sleep in the actual bed. But there was no way she was going to get any sleep laying there in the dark. While she understood dragons were no threat, hearing their roars was still unsettling. She'd twist and turn, just trying to get a minute of shut-eye.
After what felt like hours of doing this, she got up and went to find hiccup. Going down the steps from the loft, but he wasn't down there. She went out onto the balcony, looking up to see if she could spot him and toothless maybe doing a midnight flight. She couldn't see him but knew spotting a night fury at this time would be practically impossible. She was going to go back in when she heard hiccup.
"No, hey, drop that," his voice echoed from below.
Astrid walked to the edge and tried to peer down. She saw the light of fire from another level and turned back to look for a way down. It took her a minute, but she found a ladder that went all the way down to the ground. She took it in hand and began to descend to the lower level. Looking over, seeing hiccup with about three small dragons on him, and many more around. The small dragons were recognized to be terrible terrors, annoying little things.
Hiccup seemed unbothered by them, despite the terrible terrors climbing on his shoulders and his head. one was even biting on his peg leg. Astrid watched him as he started to fold up what looked like different kinds of tails for toothless. He then put them in a large bag and started to grab weird tools and putting them in too.
Astrid stepped down onto the floor, it making a subtle creak. She prayed to loki hiccup wouldn't hear her but the god must not have been listening as he turned back to look at her.
"Is everything alright?" He asked, genuinely concerned.
Astrid nodded, "yeah fine just can't sleep."
"Oh, sorry if I'm making too much of a racket," hiccup apologized despite it not being his fault.
"No, no," Astrid denied, "it's not your fault."
Hiccup gave her a confused look before he shrugged. And he returned to what he was doing. The terrible terrors looked at Astrid, some hissed while others just turned back and ignored her completely. For a while, she stayed where she was, just watched as hiccup packed the bag. That was until toothless came climbing up the outside of the structure, and let out an excited trill. He went over to hiccup and nudged him from behind. The rider mumbled out a "later toothless," and continued to roll up papers and put tools in the bag. Toothless let out a huff and stood up on his hind legs, and started to bat at hiccup's head lightly. It scared the terrible terrors off and made hiccup groan.
"Come on toothless, what is it?" He turned around to face his dragon, and got a huge lick to the face, "ah! No-toothless!"
He laughed and tried to move out of the way, and fell over in the process. Getting dragon slobber all over him, he pushed toothless off and let out a small yelp.
"You know that doesn't wash out!" He rolled over and stood up, whipping some of it off, and flung it at the dragon's face. Toothless flinched back and grumbled, taking his paw and whipping it.
Astrid laughed, watching this whole fiasco go down. Hiccup looked at her and chuckled a little more, smiling a bit. He watched as Astrid went over and gave toothless a few pets, and then turned back to him.
"So, what are you doing with all your stuff?" Astrid questioned, motioning to the bag on the table.
Hiccup looked to it and cleared his throat a bit, "oh uh, well if I'm going to be training you guys back on Berk for awhile I thought I'd...grab a few things."
"So you were going to come back," Astrid muttered under her breath, but hiccup caught it.
"What do you mean?" Hiccup went over to toothless, giving him a small face pet. Then he looked back at Astrid, "of course I would. Your the only one who can fly a dragon with half as well as I can."
Astrid gave him a small look, that he rephrased, "you're very good at flying stormfly don't get me wrong you just haven't-I mean-it's-forget I said that."
Astrid dropped the act as he turned back around to his dragon and she chuckled. "no-no it's ok," she walked over behind him, and glanced to see what he was thinking.
He seemed, almost worried, which he genuinely was. Internally, hiccup was weighing the options of going back knowing he just offended Astrid and having possibly no chance, Or staying here and losing her for good.
Realizing he must have not heard her, Astrid put her hand on his shoulder, grabbing his attention. He looked to her as she spoke.
"I was worried you weren't going to come back," she explained.
"Really?" Hiccup was surprised.
Astrid nodded a little, "really," she glanced away for a second before turning to face him a little more. She smiled at him, "I missed you, you know? The real you. You were always trying to find out more. Mostly about dragons. I thought you were crazy when asking Gobber questions but, I get it now."
Hiccup kinda smiled but was still a little confused.
Astrid went on, "when you came back to Berk and said what you did I was so worried. I thought..."
He realized what she meant and he turned his head away from her, "that I was going to hurt everyone."
"I don't know what I thought," she finished, and turned hiccup back to her, "hiccup, you have done amazing things here. But please, come back to Berk. It needs you. We new riders need you. I need you."
He looked at her, at her eyes. With dragons, it was easy to see how they were feeling with their eyes. With humans, it was all the same, and he saw she did care.
"Thank you, and don't worry. We'll be leaving at daybreak."

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