Chapter 9-First Feild Mission

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The very next day everyone was getting up to head to the arenas but found a crowd of dragons, which were then crowded by Vikings. The group went over and pushed their way through the crowds of people to get to the front and see what was going on. It was hard to see through the condensed dragons but Astrid was able to get a glimpse of hiccup as the dragons moved and shifted.
"Everyone be quiet!" She yelled out, making everyone pipe down.
"Yeah it'll be ok, go on, lead them out torch," was all they were able to catch hiccup saying before a dragon with a huge wingspan flew up, and the other dragons followed. Leaving hiccup and toothless standing there, the dragon letting out a goodbye plasma blast and the rider waving.
The small group of dragon-riding Vikings came over, Astrid going next to hiccup and putting a hand on his shoulder.
"They'll be ok. And I'm sure you know that" she reassured him.
Hiccup looked at her for a moment until he continued to watch the group fly out. He put a hand on where hers was and pulled it off, but didn't let go of the hand, "I do."
Astrid smiled a little before she let go of his hand and cleared her throat a bit, "why don't we go to the arena so we can get the rest of our dragons."
"Right-right," hiccup chuckled nervously before he went and got on toothless, "I'll see you all there."
As he left snotlout groaned, "so he gets to have the fast dragon and we have to walk?"
Astrid glared at him before just starting to head for the arena.
When everyone arrived hiccup had already gotten their dragons out. And was in the middle of talking to himself, or maybe toothless, no one could tell.
Stormfly came running to Astrid once she came in, and the same happened with meatlug and Fishlegs. The twins and snotlout walked over to their dragons.
Hiccup turned once he saw the group walking over, and he stood up.
"Great, you're all here just in time," he stated, "I've got nets and a game plan. So everyone mount your dragons and I'll explain on the way out."
"Wait hiccup," fishlegs looked to his old friend, "don't we need things like fishing poles and bait."
Hiccup looked to him as he mounted toothless, "of course not. We have dragons. And we're going to let dragons do what they do best."
Astrid understood and got on stormfly, the rest getting on their dragons.
"I don't get why we have to come with, we weren't the ones stealing food," snotlout complained per usual.
Hiccup just ignored him at this point, "come on gang, let's get this over with."
And toothless took off, with the rest of the dragons following soon after. They started to fly out to sea, hiccup looked back at all of them once they were a well way out.
"Ok, we're going to be using the dragons to scare the fish into the nets," hiccup addressed everyone as he pulled the nets from his satchel, "but we're going to need a dragon who can stay over the water in one place, and then one that can grab both ends and pull as many fish out as possible."
"So that's why we're all out here!" Fishlegs exclaimed excitedly, "We all get to use our dragons in a specific role that only they can do..!"
"Exactly Fishlegs," hiccup and toothless slowed down to fly next to Fishlegs and his gronkle. He handed out a fishing net to his friend, and they took it, "keep hold of this until we find a big school of fish."
"And how are we supposed to do that?" Snotlout asked with a singe of Jorgensen sass.
"With stormfly. They are excellent trackers, and Astrid has the best eye out of all of us," hiccup was interrupted by toothless snarling slightly, and hiccup gave him a few pets, "us humans, bud."
"Ok, if I'm tracking, Fishlegs is holding the net, ruffnut and Tuffnut are going to be lifting the net," Astrid listed off, "what are you and snotlout doing?"
"Snotlout is going to be the one scaring the fish, and me and toothless are going to make sure things don't get all mucked up, and watch out for things like scauldrons and submarippers," hiccup explained, going back to the front of the group and looking to Astrid.
Astrid nodded, and she and stormfly dove down to just over the water. They started to try and track for fish, while Fishlegs got ready, getting meatlug to hold the net.
"So...why are we lifting the net? That seems pretty boring," Tuffnut snorted, looking to his sister.
Ruffnut looked back at him, "yeah I mean, can't we explode stuff?"
"No you can't just explode stuff," hiccup sighed, "you aren't allowed to explode anything today."
"Buzzkill," Tuffnut mumbled.
And hiccup looked down to Astrid and stormfly, seeing them struggling, and he came down. He looked at stormfly, as she tried to swerve and Astrid would pull back.
"Hold on Astrid," hiccup called to her, before looking at toothless, "let us go under her bud."
Toothless glided under stormfly, and hiccup stood up, looking at the nadder.
Astrid looked down, trying to see what hiccup was doing, but she couldn't see him. She heard what sounded like two dragons squawking at each other. She assumed it was toothless until he looked up at her and made a different trill. She was extremely confused as hiccup and toothless came back up next to her.
"Let her control, she's got the scent of a large school of fish headed due north," hiccup explained, and started to head in a different direction.
"Uh, ok," she hesitantly let stormfly lead, and she followed right after toothless and hiccup.
"Oh yeah just leave us behind why don't you," snotlout yelled to them, although he knew they'd pay no attention. But the rest of the flyers still went after them.
For a minute Astrid was quiet before she got closer to ask her burning questions, "what happened when you were under stormfly? How did you know that's what was going on?"
Hiccup looked at her before down at the water again, "when you spend your adolescent years only living among dragons you pick up a few things."
"Like what they are saying?" Astrid asked, meaning for it to be rhetorical.
"Exactly," he responded.
Astrid was about to say something when stormfly stopped and went to dive but Astrid pulled and got her to stop, "Woah girl! Now right not."
"She found it, great. Fishlegs! Come and lower the net down there, ruff, tuff, get in position right above meatlug," hiccup directed, "snotlout you come with me, while stormfly and Astrid make sure the fish aren't moving too far away."
"Wait so now we're just going to take orders?" Snotlout asked, which was met by a "yes!" From everyone else. He shook his head and went with the night fury and its rider.
Hiccup looked at him and hovered over a spot and snotlout stopped too.
"Once Astrid gives you the signal, your going to dive in the water and head toward the net, once the fish are scared and start swimming into you come out, and tell the twins to lift the net," Hiccup instructed.
"Yeah yeah sure," snotlout replied, looking down at the water a little.
Hiccup went back over to Astrid and looked at her and stormfly.
"When you can tell the fish are crowded enough, yell at snotlout and hookfang to dive, ok?" Hiccup told her, with less of a demanding tone than to the rest of the group.
Astrid nodded and looked to the water and waited for a moment.
Tuffnut looked at the water and then to everyone else, "Uh..when is she-"
"Snotlout dive!" Astrid yelled, and he shockingly listened.
He went down in the water but the fish were already swimming scared into the nets. He shrugged and came right back up sputtering out water and, "ruff tuff get the stupid net!"
"Uh-oh yeah! Barf!" Ruffnut yelled.
Tuffnut accompanied his sister, "belch! The net!"
And the zippleback back heads with their riders went into the water and pulled up the bottom of the net. It was a big catch, the net was fuller than anyone expected. The end of the net was handed to meatlug, she and Fishlegs dropped a bit from the weight but got back up where they were pretty quick.
Hiccup looked at all of them and smiled a bit, "that was pretty impressive guys. That worked better on the first try than I expected."
"Yeah, I didn't even have to chase the fish they were already swimming into the net," snotlout boasted, but hiccup looked at him like he was crazy for being happy about this.
"You didn't think to say that-that isn't normal snotlout that means there's a-"
Something reared its head out of the water and let out a terrifying roar.

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