Chapter 5-Difficult Trainer

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The next morning Astrid got everyone up early, just as the sun broke over the horizon. And they were headed to the dragon arena.
"Why do we have to be up so early-I don't even want to ride a dragon!" Snotlout complained.
Astrid glared at him, "we can leave you here and have you watch us instead."
"What! No," snotlout seemed to be only disagreeing, to disagree, "I just...whatever."
They continued, the twins rambling on excitement. They entered the arena but found it empty. Astrid checked the dragon cage he had been in, but it was empty other than a few things. Astrid couldn't make any sense of it, all the other dragons were still here, so why wasn't hiccup?
She turned around and looked out of the arena, seeing all the guards asleep. So much for them protecting the village. The group of Vikings scanned the area one more time before snotlout spoke up.
"He left so let's just leave-"
He was interrupted by the sound of a night fury's blast, And they all looked to the sky. They saw a black blur splitting through the air, flying through the ring of fire created by the plasma blast. It soared down, doing a barrel roll into the arena and splitting up the group. Everyone staring in awe at what just happened in front of them.
Toothless landed and hiccup sat up and looked at all of them, "welcome to your first, and probably only, day of dragon training."
"Wow, this is awesome," Tuffnut looked at hiccup then to toothless, "so what dragons do we get to pick?"
"You don't get to pick," hiccup hopped off toothless, looking to him and giving him neck scratches, "the dragon tends to pick you. But I will introduce you to some that will probably fit your personalities."
"What? Come on if they are going to be the dragons we train shouldn't we get to chose?" Snotlout rebutted, like his reasoning would get him anywhere.
"Well I'm the one in charge aren't I?" Hiccup ended the whole argument, And everyone went quiet.
He continued, "alright with that out of the way, let me explain something before you meet the dragons. You have to trust it, show it you aren't there to hurt them, and they will come to you."
Snotlout mumbled something but no one listened to it, as hiccup went to the other cages and opened them up. Four dragons came out blazing, coming up to hiccup, but toothless came over and told them off with a single roar. The four other dragons backed off a bit, hiccup petting toothless before turning to the Viking group.
"Can any of you name these four dragons?" Hiccup asked.
Fishlegs was quick to respond, "monstrous nightmare, hideous zippleback, deadly nadder, and a gronkle."
Hiccup nodded, "thank you Fishlegs. Now, these four are the most common, and easiest to train. These are also the ones that were in previous training, so they all know you. Maybe not for a good reason, but they do."
Hiccup walked so he was between the Vikings and the dragons, toothless following him.
"Now, who'd like to go first?" He asked, but no one stepped up, "ok then I'll choose."
"I'll do it," Astrid stepped out, if none of these hooligan idiots were going to do it she was. Hiccup motioned for her to come over, and she did. He walked her over to the deadly nadder, its tail spikes sticking up in defense.
"This is a female deadly nadder," hiccup explained, "there quick, agile, and have a great defense with the tail. She'll be your dragon."
"For the time being," he added.
Astrid began to regret her decision as the nadder growled at her, she took a subconscious step back. Hiccup looked at her and held his hand out.
"Give me your hand," he stated.
"Just-give me your hand," hiccup took Astrid's hand and held it up to the dragon, "stay still, let it come to you."
Astrid held her hand there as hiccup let go, she was trembling slightly but she tried to hide it. As the deadly nadder got closer she closed her eyes, looking away. She felt the scaly warmth of its beak-shaped snout. Astrid looked at it and saw it leaning against her hand, she turned towards it more and put her other hand on it, giving it neck scratches.
"Hi girl," she spoke just above a whisper.
Hiccup smiled seeing it go so well, spoke in a similar tone to hers, "go ahead and name her, while I bring up the next one."
Astrid turned and looked at him, but he'd already left to get the next, this time unfortunate, trainee. She looked back to the deadly nadder and thought for a moment. Something came to mind, and she dropped her hands and just stood by the dragon.
Hiccup went to Fishlegs and brought him to the gronkle, and the twins to the hideous zippleback. He repeated the same thing he did with Astrid and did it with them. Everything going smoothly, so far.
"Alright snotlout," hiccup began, "let's see you go."
"Uh-yeah no. I can do it myself," snotlout stated like he knew what he was going.
"Sure you do, you want to show us?" Hiccup said mockingly. He didn't think snotlout would do anything stupid. And oh how wrong he was.
Snotlout went up to the last dragon, the monstrous nightmare, and jumped up grabbing it around the neck. Hiccup watched him in shock at his stupidity.
"Come on you stupid dragon! Your mine so listen to me!" Snotlout yelled as he pulled himself up onto the monstrous nightmare's neck. And the dragon flailed and began to fly out of the arena.
"Oh my god-he really is an idiot," hiccup sighed and ran to toothless, got on toothless. But just as he was about to take off Astrid yelled out.
"Hiccup let us help!"
"No, no stay I'll get the stupid Viking off the dragon!" He yelled back, and toothless took off.
Astrid groaned in anger, as she watched them leave. She was not going to just let him go off like that.
Snotlout was screaming his head off as the monstrous nightmare flew around the west side of berk. Into the rocky gorge on the island.
Toothless was close on its tail, but it was no use, the walls were too close together. He couldn't get close enough to grab snotlout off the raging dragon.
"Come on, come on! You got this bud speed up," hiccup urged toothless, his dragon only growled in response, "I know but you've got to!"
They got closer and snotlout looked to see them flying just behind the nightmare he was clinging to dear like too.
"Help me!" Snotlout yelled to him, "right now!"
"Toothless we gotta go upside down," hiccup urged his dragon. When toothless refused to do it he looked up, realizing the room they had was getting smaller. And he looked back to snotlout, "Let go of the neck and grab its horns!"
"Are you crazy!? I'll die if I let go!" Snotlout refused.
"Just listen to me!" Hiccup stressed, "let go of the neck and hold on with your legs, and grab its horns and pull up!"
"Just do it! Listen to me for once in your life snotlout!"
Snotlout looked at the monstrous nightmare's head, it bobbing up and down in front of him. He crawled up closer a little before he quickly took hold of the horns, And he froze again.
"Snotlout!" Hiccup yelled, looking forward again, they had seconds before there was no room for their dragons at all.
"Oh this better work," snotlout muttered as he pulled up on the monstrous nightmare's horns. And as he did the dragon went up getting them out of the gorge. Toothless was close behind, and with them out of danger, hiccup could really get mad.
"What were you doing!? You thought that was going to work!?" Hiccup raged, as the monstrous nightmare was still trying to get snotlout off.
"I knew I shouldn't have trusted any of you with dr-"
He was interrupted by a dragon coming in and scooping snotlout right up. Hiccup looked and saw it was a deadly nadder, and it hovered just a few yards away from toothless.
"Good job stormfly!" The voice of Astrid came from the nadder's back.
"Astrid? How did you-I mean-why would you disobey orders I told everyone to stay?" hiccup tried to find the right question to ask.
"Well, we got the dummy, right? Didn't we girl," she pet her dragon, who trilled in return.
Hiccup watched and shook his head slightly, and started to fly off, a roar came but it didn't sound like toothless. But the monstrous nightmare turned and followed the dragon and their king.
Astrid sighed and began to follow. Ignoring snotlout's screams and complaints as they flew back.

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