Common ground

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Lulu's pov
Its been a cool little minute since I've been over blacks house its cool or whatever but he is serious starting to get on my nerves he makes me wanna slap him thank goodness my girls are coming over.

"Aye you drank my orange juice?" He asked.

"Yup you said you didn't care if I had it."

"When did I say that?" He asked.

"You remember when you was fucking rat face faith."

"Why she got to be all that?" He asked trying to laugh.

"Because she is bitch look like road kill be careful your ass might wind up catching something."

He smacked his lips.

"You just mad because it ain't you but if you want it all you got to do is ask." He said biting his lip.

"Boy bye don't nobody want that Vienna sausage you got swinging between your legs."

"Oh yeah? You wanna see this little Vienna sausage?"


He smirked then wiped it out my mouth almost dropped it was big thick and long Jesus be the fence.

"Um hm look at you all staring and shit trying to burn a whole in my dick with all that damn staring."

I snapped out my thoughts and got my self together again.

"Well if i did burn a whole its only adding to the flames you got from fucking the sewage pipe the other day now if you will excuse me I need to get ready." I said pushing passed him.

"Uh huh and stay out my closet."

I flipped him off and walked upstairs to get changed in my bikini we was having a cute little picnic by the pool so I couldn't wait to show off.

"Aye you seen damn." He said looking at me up and down.

"Have i seen your what?"

He just kept staring at me.

"Black helloooo can you hear me now?" I said snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Oh um fuck I lost my train of thought."

"Uh huh well while you find it can you take a picture of me?"

He nodded and I tossed him my phone then he snapped the pic.

He nodded and I tossed him my phone then he snapped the pic

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"Here." He said trying not to look at me.

"Thank you! Ohh I'm a bad bitch got damn!"

"You aight." He said mushing my head.

"Aye don't get mad at me because you ain't fly."

"Whatever anyways go cover yourself up." He said.

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