trip to norway

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Lulu's pov
"Bbbblllaaaccckkk ssstoopp I had enough."

We been having sex from the time we left the house to the time we got to the plan a bitch need a break.

"Pussy shouldn't be so good we wouldn't be having no issue." He said.

"I ain't playing with you messing with your ass I won't have no walls left."

I see why these hoes be acting up its enough to send a bitch to a mental asylum but not I.

He laughed like the shit was funny and I punched him in his arm.

"Aww poor babe you sore?" He asked.

Hell yeah.

"No I'm not." I said trying to sound tough.

In real life I think he was trying to paralyze me.

"I'll give you a massage when we touch down."


"Lying your ass off its all good though i got you babe I'll give you a massage." He said.

"Aww look at my man being so sweet."

"Aww look at my lil ma getting all soft on me I knew you would break you couldn't resist all this." He said.

"Im done with you today."

"Thats what you say but I know better so about this guy Lewis you know him?" He asked.

"Tah I know of him he's a crazy serial womanizer with alot of money that flaunts his wealth to get what he wants and launders drug money and sell women to the highest bidder I stopped doing jobs with him a long time ago."

"I know you did I'm surprised you ain't kill him yet." He said.


"I know I liked your crazy ass for a reason." He said.

"That not the only reason but okay." I said laughing.

"True true."

"All passengers please buckle up we will be landing in 20 mins." The pilot said.

"Come on lets do a quick wash up before we land."

He nodded then we went to the bathroom then did a quick little wash up after that we got in our seats buckled to get ready to land once we landed it was super cold outside it was ridiculous.

"Fucking long ass flight man." He said.

"I know I'm cccooollldd."

"Mr. Brewster and Mrs. Ridges im ink I'll be taken care of you for your stay heres some warm blankets for you and let me get the bags." Ink said.

"Thank man." Dave said.

"Thank you ink."

He nodded and walked us to our car with the heater blasting.

"Finally some warmth." I said shivering still.

"He just had to be out here i swear I'm offing him just based on this bullshit here." He said.

He looks so sexy.

"So are you guys in town for very long?" Ink asked.

"Two days maybe less if we can swing it."

He nodded then went back to the route as me and black was talking i realized we was going the wrong way.

"Excuse me sir we going the wrong way." I said.

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