Norway part 2

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Blacks pov
We pulled up to the location Lewis was at this mouthafucka got a whole party going on.

"So how we playing this?" I asked lulu.


"No this is my kill lulu you know why I just need you guys to take down his goons for me."

I gave her a look like she done lost her mind.

"Na I don't agree with that."

"You don't have a choice." She said.

"Lulu get-"

"Babe chill you have a got to understand why she wants to do it."

"Explain then."

"Aunty." Lulu said nodding her head in my direction.

She rolled her eyes.

"Hes my ex husband im ohana Ridges caine I need to drop that last name fast." Ohana said.

"You? You where married to this mouthafucka?" I asked.

"Yeah not my proudest moment but we live and we learn." She said.

"Yeah to never do it again."Lulu said.

"Besides he needs a to be tortured and I have nothing but time on my hands." She said.

"So all yall family crazy?"

They shrugged and just smirked they psycho forreal no wonder we get along. Once the plan was set we walked into the gala fresh as can be security wasn't really that heavy so this should be easy but then again nothing is ever to easy.

"Lulu take the east wing out and black you take the west i got the rest covered." Ohana said.

"Okay but how do you know where he is?" Lulu asked.

"If I know Lewis he's with that whole of a wife Jocelyn." Ohana said.

"Wow he sure knows how to pick them."

"Let me guess you slept with her too I'm assuming?" Ohana asked.

"Hell na."

"Riiiiggghhhttt." Lulu said like she really believed that.

"Im serious."

"We will pretend like we believe that hun."ohana said.

"Aint this-"

"Shhhh...we got work to do." Lulu said pulling out her gun and silencer.

I nodded we made our way through the crowded entrance into the gala we entered in to the hallways where all the guards where taking them out one by one until we reached the main door.

"You guys go lay back i got this." Ohana said..

"You sure?" Lulu asked.

"Yeah take out any mouthafucka that tries to come through this door." She said.

We nodded and watched the door we could hear yelling and screaming and screaming and a lewis voice yelling at the the top of his lungs next thing we know silence  and ohana walks out just as calm as ever.

"Time?" She asked.

"11 mins." Lulu said.

"Huh I was going for 5 mins but I guess I was having to much fun." Ohana said.

I peaked inside they was unrecognized she did damage on they ass.

"You still got it aunty." Lulu said.

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