oooppp...aint this some sh..

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(Okay I tried yall... be mad at me later.)

Blacks pov
I had just put the kids to sleep around 10 pm they be wearing my ass out but I love them I was calling mullanie to see how her day was I be missing her so fucking much its almost sad.

"Hey daddy." She said sleepily.

I can tell she just woke up.

"Did I wake you?"

"Na I need to get up anyways what you doing?" She asked sitting up.

"I just laid the kids down now I'm smoking this blunt to the face thinking about your sexy ass. You need to come home already."

"Babe we discussed this already." She said rolling her eyes.

"I know I just miss you ma and he misses you too." I said showing her my dick.

"Ohhh you play to much." She said.

I chuckled.

"Dont worry it will be waiting for you soon as you get home and don't bother unpacking we going on a little baecation."

"Oohh do I get to know where?" She asked.

"Na its a surprise."

"I can't wait."  She said smiling.

"Lulu come on you said you would be ready a long time ago!!!" I heard loca say.

"Bitch don't rush me I'm talking to my husband."

"Uh huh hurry up hoe and tell black I said heyyyy brother in law." She said.

"Tell her I said hey."

"He says hi now go so I can get ready."

"Sounds like you busy love go coon with your girls aight."

"Aight love you dave."

"I love you more Mullanie talk to you later."

We hung up and continued smoking my blunt when my door rang I thought it was mula but it was Samantha fuck she doing here?

"Hey black im sorry to interrupt but my car broke down over here I was wondering can I sit for a second until my ride comes." She said.

"Na man my lady won't like that."

"It will just be for a few minutes." She said.

I thought about it.

"Aight come in."

"Thanks wheres king?" She asked.


She nodded.

"May I sit down?" She asked.

I nodded I automatically texted mullanie and let her know what it was she said that fine as long as she don't try nothing I love the way she trust me.

"So how's everything been you know with the kids and all." She asked.

"Its been smooth nothing to much they pretty easy and chill."

"Thats cool I know it must be quiet a shock for you knowing what you know now." She said.

"Yeah but im getting the hang of it."

"Im glad so you and mullanie how yall doing?" She asked.

"Is your ride almost here?"

"Why you getting so defensive just asking a question. You know it's funny really she reminds me of us when we was together you know we can still be that way." She said moving closer to me.

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