club part 2

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Lulu's pov
When me and Marcus was dancing I swear it felt like we was dry humping so I said fuck it and let's go to the vip room at this point I'm a lil tipsy and more than ready I knew black was staring a whole into my head but I didn't give a fuck. Once we was in the room I didn't waist no time I pushed him on the couch and he attacked my lips I was wearing close to nothing so this should be quick until his damn phone went off.

"I can get that later." He said.

"No go ahead its okay go answer it."

"Thats rude though."

"Its ok really it might be important."

He nodded and kissed me one last time he had a small conversation but something caught him off guard.

"What? When?Shit ill be there in 3 hours tops." He said hanging up then cussed his self.

"Everything ok?"

"Family emergency i need to leave right now." He said.

"Oh ok um do you need a plane?"

"That would be great I'm so sorry I promise I will make this up to you when you touch back down ok?" He said.

"Okay be safe." I said getting off his lap.

"I will." He said kissing me one last time.

He hurried up and ran out the door I hope everything is okay. I had to fix my self up really fast so I straightened up my dress I was about to go into the bathroom but I was pulled in a dark room almost felt like the fucking matrix and of course when the light turned on it was black mad as fuck.

"Ohhh you don't look happy." I said smirking.

"So thats what we doing now?" He asked trying to control his anger.

"I have no clue what your talking about" i said checking my lip stick and hair in the mirror for a quick touch up.

He turned me around and pinned me against the wall.



He realized what was going on then backed away not breaking the mug off his face.

"I can't believe you had sex with that nigga bro." He said shaking my head.

"Pause did I find you in bed with your babymama in our so called home? Homie fuck your feelings and the horse it rode in on."

I tried walking out the door but he blocked it.

"Na lets talk so you fucking him now?" He asked.

"Hmmm maybe? Maybe not the dick is good though."

That just struck a nerve even if I was lying about it.

"Thats what we doing now?" He asked.

"Is that what you did you hurt me remember not the other way around now move your stupid ass out the way."

I tried to move him.

"No we ain't going no where until you talk to me lulu just hear me out." He said.

"Nigga that time to talk was before this shit even happened."

"I tried calling you but you didn't answer." He said.

"Again we ain't got shit to talk about go be with your family that's what you wanted right?."

"You don't understand i-"

"No I understand you lying ass bitch ass nigga and I wish I never met your stupid ass now let me go!"

"Lulu I can't let you leave please just listen im sorry im so sorry I don't think you understand how sorry I am just let me make this up to you."

"Theres nothing you could do to ever undo what you've done to me you know what you just like game wanted your cake and eat it to so you tell me why would you do that to me huh? Remember me your rider your so called first Lady the one that you cock blocked on because your selfish ass didn't want me to be with your cousin I was fine the way we were the first time but no you decided to hurt me."

I felt tears coming down my face he came over to me and hugged me.

"Lulu I never meant to hurt you please I understand I didn't have a choice." He said touching my face.

I pushed him away.

"No you had a choice you made your bed now you got to lay in it congratulations on the new baby black."

"What new baby?" He asked.

"No need to lie okay look I got to go."

"So this is it you just not going to let me explain? Lulu I can't not live with out you I love you." He said.

Even though I'm proably lying through my teeth.

"Good for you I love me too but the love I had for you is dead and gone goodbye black."

He was going to say something but i left out the door back to the dance floor I hugged loca and chu chee goodbye then headed back to shang hi its was real though I just wish it didn't hurt the way it does I guess that was the of me and black.

2 weeks later

Blacks pov
When she said she didn't love me no more it really hurt my soul I didn't even realize how bad I hurt us both really now she moved on I can't even be mad I did it to my self honestly that was really stupid of me I just want my lady back man. I was at the gym because I needed to let out some stress and hit something as I was hitting the bag Marcus came up to me.

"Wassup black." He said grinning.

"You must got a death wish don't you?"

"Maybe but you wouldn't be the first person that has tried to kill me." He said shrugging.

"Fuck you want nigga? I'm not in the mood aight ain't you supposed to be with lulu."

"Well thats what I came to talk to you about."

"Look what yall got going on ain't none of my business she made it clear last night just be happy I ain't killing you right now for having se-"

"Whoooaaa me and lulu ain't have sex i left last night."


"Look I ain't here to cause trouble I just came to help clearly yall love each other that much is evident."

"So what? You mr.cupid or something?"

"Love doctor is more i like it now come on we got a flight to catch." He said.

"I ain't goin-"

"You want your girl back right?"


"Good that means you should want to come on go ahead and get a plane and meet me at the airport in 2 hours bring friends if you want." He said.

"Where is she exactly?"

"Shang hi."

Fuck she doing there?

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