the sit down.

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Blacks pov
Me and lulu basically talked all night she has some concerns and she got every right to feel the way she feels but I know my heart and soul belong to her so she ain't got shit to worry about. Lu lu had to go on a mission so its just me at the crib when I heard a knock on the door. I missed my babe so I decided to call her see what she up to.

"Hey babe whats going on?" She asked putting me on face time.

"Fuck happen to your face?"

She had a small gash in her face.

"Bitch scratched me but whats up?" She asked.

"Debating if I still wanna do this meet up with Samantha."

"I mean you got to do it eventually why not now?" She asked as she drove.

"Because I mean honestly what do I really even say."

"Dont say shit let her explain then talk about it calmly no need to yell or shout." She said.

"Who said anything about yelling?"

She stale faced me and I chuckled.

"If you don't stop it we argue and yell all the damn time and usually you start the argument then wanna cuddle up later." She said.

"You my wifey I can do that with you but she different she someone that might have hid my child from me and I didn't know shit then on top of that I got this crazy ass bitch faith on my case its alot."

"Thats what happens when you fuck every who walking." She said.

"I ain't trying to hear all that."

"See there's your problem right there you don't fucking listen." She said rolling her eyes.

"Roll them eyes again if you bad."

She rolled them again then flipped me off.

"Oh you think you tuff huh?"

"Fuck you mean I think? I know? Trust me you don't wanna try my gangsta."

"Na you don't wanna try me you know better."

"You ain't going to bust a grape shut the fuck up." She said.

I fell out laughing because her lil ass really think she run me.

"Na you shut the fuck up before you get fucked up around here."

Tell me why her as going to look around.

"What you looking for?"

"The mind you clearly have lost ohhh wait till I come home Im fucking you up." She said.

"Yup bring that fine ass home so I can fuck that walk up before we have to leave."

"Na we gonna box before we go any where you got me fucked up talking out the side of your neck like your mr.getbad." She said.

I heard her coming in the garage I automatically got behind the door leaving my phone on the couch face down once she walked through that door I automatically snatched her lil ass up scarring her.

"Ahhh black put me down!" She yelled.

"Na what was all that shit you was talking boosie bad ass whats good?"

She tried to get out my grasp but couldn't move.

"Uhuh why you holding my hands and arms down?" She asked.

"Because I was born at night not last night."

"Smart man now put me down ass hole." She said laughing.

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