the truth is out

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I knew I had to get this off my chest with lulu I can't start our marriage off like this.

"I can't believe you proposed what made you want to?" She asked.

"You my lady and I want it to remain that way until the casket drops."

"Awww babe that is so sweet of you about time you asked dang!" She said.

I chuckled a little bit but I knew I was in the dog house soon.

"Look lulu before we do anything there's some things I've been keeping from you that you need to know."

"Oh my God David no not tonight we just had a beautiful night please let's not." She said getting agitated.

"Babe it's something I got to say well more so show you I promised you no more secrets and I wanna keep it that way."

"How long has this secret been kept for?" She asked.

"You will find out soon ok just sit back and ride."

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Once I show you I promise everything will make sense you just have to trust me."

"Im starting to question that as we speak." She said.

He'll im question my own self the ride was silent for a about twenty more minutes until we pulled up to my old loft outside the city.

"Come on." I said opening the door for her.

She grabbed my hand then got out the car.

"Black where are we." She said.

"Just come on ill explain in a minute."

"Awwww is this another surprise babe?" She said excited.

"Yeah something like that."

It's a surprise alright.

"You just full of surprises today." She said as we rode up the esclater.

I nodded as soon as we reached the main part of the loft I put in the code and the doors opened.

"Oh this is a nice set up."

"Yeah stay right here ill be right back."

She nodded then took off her jacket and got comfortable I made my way upstairs to where Caine was at then knocked it didn't take him long to open the door to my surprise savanna was there.(lulu step mom just realized what I named her.)

"Aye what you doing here man?"

"My bad did I interrupt something?" I asked.

"Na I was just talking to savanna." He said.

"How she find out?"

"I've been knew I've been here with him the whole time." She said.

"Ok well lulu is here."

"What!?! Why is she here?" He asked mad.

"I can't lie to here no more man I've been trying to keep this a secret but I can't we about to married man."


"Cain I think it's time." Savanna ssaid.

He just hung his head low and shook his head.

"How she going to react?" He asked.

"I don't know."

He nodded but before I could say anything I heard lulu calling out to me I could here her coming up the stairs.

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