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Blacks pov
"Lulu! Where you at?"

"Im in the baby's room." She said.

I walked over the nursery she was sitting on the floor.

"Babe you know you ain't suppose to be sitting down or standing up for to long I thought you had someone helping you to do this?"

"I know but she has so much clothes its starting to get ridiculous." She said.

"You telling me who is sending you all this stuff?"

"Im pretty sure it's my dad he's super excited to be a grandfather." She said.

Even though he took my kids as his grandkids he still is excited to have another  granddaughter to add to the bunch.

"Yeah he is you should all the plans he has for king and London this weekend they going to have a ball."

"See if you think me and lala was spoiled you ain't seen nothing yet." She said.

"Yeah where Savanna been lately? She hasn't been around."

"Yeah she said she went to go visit her mom overseas she said she will be back by next week." She said.

"Well come on and take a break ill help you with this in a few."

"I thought you would never ask." She said as I helped her get up.

"This Binkie is how much? $1500 dollars who the fuck? She ain't going to do nothing but lose it."

"I know you should she her dress and shoes it's ridiculous." She said.

"Do I even wanna know?"

"Its better if you don't." She said patting me on the back.

I just shook my head.

"Should we go get something to eat or should I cook?" She asked as we made our way into the kitchen.

"We can go to dinner it's just us two."

"Three." She said rubbing her stomach.

"I know can't forget about my lil one." I said kissing her stomach.

She gave me a kiss then pulled away.

"I swear your the best man I could ask for." She said.

"I better be."

I gave her one last kiss them pulled away.

"So what you wanna eat?"

"We want steak and shrimp." She said.

"Then to the car we shall go."

She smiled I think she's loving this pregnancy she been getting spoiled and pampered the whole entire time I can't wait to meet our new addition.

Meanwhile.....somewhere deep in China. Did I neglect to mention Savanna is the reason lulu mom is supposedly "dead" I'll explain as we know Savanna is a d.a. and was able to trump up charges just to get lulu's mom in jail for life in one of the worst prisons in the world it goes deeper than deep with them all because she wanted her man just sad.

"What the hell do you mean she escaped!" I said trying to whisper.

"Shes gone I don't know how or when but she escaped her cell." The guard said.

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