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Blacks pov
"Babe you almost ready we got to go." I said waiting for lulu.

"Yeah almost whats the rush?" She asked.

"Because after we get done I got some business to handle at the trap." I said coming behind her kissing her neck.

"Hm.. like what?"  She asked facing me.

"Dont trip just got to count that doe then after that I'm all yours."

"Well actually I was going to ask maybe you can skip the trap for the day." She said turning to face me.

"Yeah what you get in mind?"

"I was thinking maybe we can get married today." She said kind of shyly.

"I thought you wanted to wait and do it big? Im not tripping either way but we already made all them plans."

"I know and we can still go through with that but I just want it to be me and you with no one around I know its sounds selfish but I dont wanna wait no more." She said.

I couldn't help the grin that was across my face.

"Lets do it."

"Forreal?" She asked smiling.

"Yup just me and you. We will do a big one in three months."

"Sounds good to me." She said kissing me.

"Good now lets head out."

She nodded as she grabbed her purse.

"You got everything?" i asked because she always forgetting something.

"Yeah I believe so."

My babe so fine I'm a lucky man.

"Why you keep staring at me?" She asked.

"What I cant stare at my wife?"

"Oh you can I'm fine as hell." She said doing a 360.

"Bring your ass man." I said rolling my eyes.

"Aye you the one that kept staring hell." She said mushing my head as we walked out the room.

We started walking downstairs where lulus dad and mom was.

"Hey where yall going?" Her mom asked.

"Got a little bit of business to handle nothing big." Lulu said.

"Well you go do what yall got to do we taking the grandbabies so yall can get a little peace and quiet." Her mom said holding the babe.

"Ok yall need us to pack a bag for them?"

"Black we been doing this for years we got this yall go on and get our of here." Nino said.

"Aight how long they going to be gone?"

"About 3 days and lulu can you still handle that business for me?" Her dad asked.

"Yep i got you pops I'll see yall soon though we running late." Lulu said kissing the kids and her parents.

I gave everyone a hug then started heading out the house towards the car i opened the door for lulu then walked to my side and opened my door to drive off. Lulu turned on some bullshit song on  that was getting on my nerves but she was into it so i left it alone but my phone started ringing.

"Babe can you get that for me." I asked.

"Yeah its looney."

I waved it off.

"Text him I'll call him back."

She nodded then sent the text.

"You hungry?"

"No I'm cool we can eat after." She said holding my hand.

I kissed the back her hand as we pulled up to get our marriage license.

"You ready to take my last name?"

"Been ready." She said facing me.

"You know there aint no turning back? You stuck with me for life."

"I was never planning on leaving."

I smirked then parked the car.

We started getting out and headed staright in lucky for us there wasnt alot of people in there so was able to get in and get out.

"Babe you sure about getting married today?" I asked.

"Yes I really want to do it today. Why you dont?" She asked.

"Of course i do. I just wanted to make sure."

"Im sure."

I nodded we called up our family pastor then headed to the garden it looks like the one in shanghi I know its brings lulu peace.

"I know its been a long time coming." She said.

"And I'm guessing nobody else will be joining us for today's events?" He asked.

We shook our heads no and he nodded.

"Well lets get started shall we." He said.

We nodded and went out to the balcony.

"We gathered her today to join you and lulu in holy matrimony since I was a little unprepared for this would you guys like to resight your own vowels?"

"Yes." We both said.

"Okay lulu you go first."

"Dave i love you so much you mean the world to me we've been together for ever no words can really describe how I feel about you but I promise to show you unconditional love and support and all the loyalty I can ever have in my body you mean everything to me I just hope I can continue being the women that you will always love and still wanna be with i don't really no what else to say." She said giggling try to hold back tears.

"You may give david his ring." The preacher said.

"I've been had this for a long time hope you like it." She said.

"I love it."

"Glad you like it babe."

"David you go next."

"Mullanie from the moment I saw you i knew you was the one there was no doubt in my mind about that you've been my rock my day one you never turned your back on me I love you to the moon and back I can go on and on but like you said there is no words to describe us its just fate your my whole heart mullanie." I said not really knowing what else to say.

She smiled as i wiped her tears away.

"Dave you may give mullanie her ring." He said.

"Okay I know you didn't want another ring but u had to do it."

"By the powers invested in me i know pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride." He said.

I kissed her nice and slowly it felt so good to have my wife in my arms finally shes my wife.

Lulus pov
I couldnt help but smile down at my wedding bands after we got married black had some business to handle he didnt really wanna go but I insisted but of course he wanted me to come along too so much for me surprising him when comes back.

"Babe." He said waving a hand in my face.

"Sorry I kinda spaced out what you say?"

"I said are you ready to go." He said.

"Finished that fast?"

"Yeah just a little meeting thats all lets go to dinner."

"Ok lets go."

He nodded as we walked out i felt something was off.

"You good?" He asked.

I started to get that feeling a feeling that someone is watching us. But when I looked around I couldnt see nothing.

"Yeah I'm fine just thought I heard something. "

He looked around but shrugged it off somthing seemed off to him to i can tell but we got in the car and proceeded to drive way.

Like they say whats in the dark eventually comes to light.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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