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Blacks pov
After  my meeting with my supplier I started making calls to get everything handled back at the trap honestly this was a nice little vacation from all this shit lulu was knocked out so I was just on the balcony smoking thinking back on everything that whole night was fucked up and I wish I could take everything back but life don't work that way but I'm more than happy to show her how much I love her and want my wife back it sounds crazy but I really can't wait to wife her up. I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing it was the trap as always.


"Aye man we need you back here shit is getting out of hand and niggas is starting to get reckless." Trench said.

I smacked my lips.

"Where tooley and them at?"

"They had a family emergency they grandma in the hospital down in Texas they tried to call you but you wasn't answering." He said.

"Aight call Mike and tell him to get the jet ready ill be ready with in the hour."


I hung up and looked back at lulu who was slowly waking up i walked over to her and kissed her face and neck.

"Hey babe."

"Hey? Why are you up its so early." She said.

"Lulu its 8:30 in the morning you never sleep this late."

"I know I'm just tired whats going on though you couldn't sleep or something?"

"Na i got up to smoke a blunts to fall back to sleep but unfortunately I got to head back to L. A."

She sat up a lil bit.

"Why whats going on?" She asked.

"People acting up at the trap I got to go straighten that out then im going to go get the kids from my mom and pops house give them a break plus I got hella other shit to do so I got to go."

"Awww okay." She said sounding a little sad.

"You coming back with me?"


"I know there's no rush but I would really like it if you came back with me and let me fix this between us I can't do it when you so far away."

"You miss me that much huh?" She asked smirking.

"I more than missed you i honestly can't stand when I'm not around you."

"Umhmm you just miss my cooking." She said making us both laugh.

"A little bit the sex ain't to bad either but honestly I miss you as a whole."

"I missed you too dave but just know if I decide to come back I can't stay in that house." She said.

"I understand so look how about this we live separately for now and when you are ready you know where home is so are you coming?"

"Yes I will but not for you I miss my babies so ill go just for them." She said.

"Fair enough well let's pack up we got a long ass flight ahead of us."

"Seriously." She said.

We started getting our clothes together getting ready to leave im glad she coming back with me I thought it was going to take a bit more convincing than that.

"You about ready ma we got to go."

"Yep I'm all set." She said.

"Why you just talking a carry on? Why you leaving all your clothes here?"

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