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Lulu's pov
"Hey mommy suga what's the matter?" I said trying to comfort Imani.

She's a little fussy today she's usually a calm babe so I don't know what's going on.

"Whats wrong?" Black asked.

He just got from the trap he's been so busy lately but thankfully our parents have been here to help.

"She just fussy that's all." I said rocking her.

"Let me get washed up I'll take her from her from here you need some rest." He said kissing my forehead.

"Thank you babe I'm just really tired king and London was running a fever last night so I was up with them all night."

"Babe why you ain't call me I could have just came home." He said stripping out his clothes to get in the shower.

"I would have but my dad came over to help so it was all good." I said putting Imani down in her swing.

"OH ok aye when I'm done I need to holler at you." He said.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah so far but let me get in the shower." He said.

"Ok I'm going to warm her a bottle up she proably hungry with her little greedy self."

He just shook his head then went to get in the  shower soon as I even touched downstairs I see my dad with this grin on his face honestly he's been at my house way more often I don't know why though not saying it's a bad thing but damn.

"Hey dad."

"Hey Princess how's the kids feeling?" He asked.

"A little bit better they just sleeping it off right now."

"Ok good these are for you." He said handing me roses.

"Aw thanks dad I appreciate it."

"Also here's some more medicine for the kids never to late to stock up on some cold medicine." He said.

"Thanks dad so what's going on I'm surprised you been here so much not saying it's a bad thing but seems like you Barley been home."

"Well your sister and true left to London to study abroad and well me a Savannah we just ain't doing good right now." He said.

I nodded as I warmed up blacks plate.

"You hungry?"

"Na I already ate but I do need to talk to you are you busy later?" He asked.

"Just here with the kids other than that no."

"Good I wanna take you somewhere." He said.

"Where we going?"

"Don't trip now where my grandbaby?"

"She right here in my arms." Black said coming downstairs.

"Look at little mama's let me go wash my hands." My dad said.

I love this side of my dad you should see the  happiness and joy he has when he's around his grandkids.

"This mine?" Black asked.

"Yeah and here is her bottle so my dad was just telling me he wanted me to go with him somewhere will you be ok with the kids tonight?"

"Yeah it's all good do yall thing daddy got this." He said.

"Ok should be cool getting out the house for a minute so let's address the elephant in the room why you and mom having issues?"

He shrugged.

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