Chapter 13

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[Lizzie P.O.V.]
"How's school?" My older sister, Minx asked. Oh, how badly I missed her. I mean, here in Chicago is great and all, but.. having to get separated with her? "Great.. and not so great.." I answered. "What makes it?" "Well, stuff.. you know.." "Hmm.. I'm thinking about love.." Minx teased."MINX!" I laughed.

I took Minx's shoe and came and climbed the tree behind. "Lizzie! Give me my shoe back!" Minx yelled. "Catch me if you can!" I teased. I took the last step and sat on the branch of the tree. I watched Minx attempt to climb the tree, but she eventually cannot climb it up. "Come one, chubby!" I teased. "I am not chubby!" She answered. "Want help with that?" I asked. "Want help?" Somebody asked behind Minx.

[Minx P.O.V.]
"Want help with that?" Somebody asked behind me. I turned around and saw somebody I haven't seen in years. "A-Anthony?" I cried. "I thought you're dead."

"I bleed out, not died. Big difference." He answered. "Still.." I paused. I started tearing up more and hugged him tight. "Aww.. I knew this day'd come!" Lizzie smiled. I dragged him to my dorm, leaving Lizzie alone in the park.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" Chilled grinned. I slapped Chilled to see if this is just a dream, but it wasn't. "OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Chilled exclaimed. "Sorry!" I blushed. "Still going on boyscouts?" I asked. "Nope. Never-ever-ever." He answered. I grinned, knowning that BS is the ne that nearly killed him.

I searched through a bunch of stuff in my 'memory box' and found something. It's Chilled's.. mario hat. "Here. I kinda kept it as it was just the only thing left in the tent. Sorta." I blushed. "No blood?" Chilled pouted. "Want me to spill my blood on it?" I joked. "Yess!" He grinned. I took a cutter and placed it on my finger. As I was about to cut, Chilled grabbed the cutter"I TAKE THAT BACK! I take that back.." . "stop grninning would you?!" He laughed. "You started it though!"

I took Chilled to stroll around the school area until sunset. "When will ya go home?" I asked. He shook his head. "What?" "I'm staying."

[Ohm P.O.V]
I let my soul and mind wander around, while my body follows Nina. She took me to her dorm, which is suprisingly filled with crimson red. Just like crimson blood.. All of these makes me get terrified. Terrified of evey possible thing.

Nina gave me a chair, and I sat down on it. "Here." She says, handing me down a burger. "Stroll around if ya want." She says, and to my surprise, she opened the door. I sat down on a bench and looked through the stars. I feel so bad that I had to stay with Nina. Ignoring Minx on the way. I then heard giggling and laughing just by the park. It's when I saw him.

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