Chapter 5: Careful

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They both stood away from a distance of each other, staring at one another. Jack panted in joy that she was right across from him. He had found her.


He said running towards her, to scoop her up in an embrace, and knowing she would respond back with a hug as well. But it all happened too quickly for Jack to even process what was happening.

Juri crouched down, extending her left leg out; swinging it under Jack's feet. He fell to the ground with a thud and he felt her sandal on his chest, pinning him back down. She had already had out her bow and arrow, pointing it at his face, ready to fire. It was far advanced looking now than what Jack had remembered. The arrow was the same glowing bright blue, but was being pulled back by five strings rather than one. And the bow was as big as Juri's body, outlined with red and bright blue lining and sharp ends. A red gem laid in the center of the bow followed by detailed features poking out of the bow.

"Poios eísai , kai pós xéreis to ónomá mou?!" She yelled down at Jack.

"What?!" Jack said since she spoke in different tongues. What was she doing?

Juri gripped her arrow tighter, "I said: who are you, and how do you know my name?"

Jack went wide eyed, what was she saying?

The Guardians had gotten out of the sleigh, and gasped when she said that. Tooth flew over to Juri, putting a hand on her shoulder. Juri pulled up her weapon at Tooth.

"Juri, it's Jack." Tooth said, then began to point to everyone else, "And North, Bunny, Sandy, and me: Tooth. Don't you remember at all?"

Juri looked at Tooth, clearly confused. She then looked down at him, then removed her foot off of Jack's chest, pulling him up to his feet.

"Listen: I have no clue on what you are talking about. I'm sorry but I am not the Juri you speak of. My name is, Juri. Juriko Seirina, daughter and heir to Ligeia. And I do not know any of you."

Jack couldn't believe it, Juri didn't know who they were. She didn't know...

"That's you! You're the Juri we know you are. Come on, you have to remember!" He yelled, gripping her shoulders. "We knew each other! We were best friends, Juri! How can you not remember?! We were-"

"Get back!!!" Juri yelled, pulling up her bow and arrow once more, backing up. Jack finally took in how she looked. He really wanted to hug and kiss her right then and there, as he stared at her. But that would only result to her killing him. Her hair was a lot longer and wavier, pulled up into a side ponytail and still the same dark red she always had. Her height still the same as ever. And her eyes, still the crystal green he remembered, being framed by her dark thick long lashes that created shadows over her cheeks. But what he did notice as well: Juri wasn't wearing her necklace.

"Lady Juriko!" A voice yelled behind them.

They all turned to the voice as Juri jogged to the group that was running towards them. Five women to be exact, each beautiful and holding a sort of weaponery. The women huddled protectively around Juri as they stepped up to the Guardians with the weapons targetting them.

"Woah, we come in peace mate." Bunny says with his paws up.

The girl that yelled before, stared towards Juri. "My Lady, what was going on? The rest and I had heard a crashing sound, then your voice. So we quickly came as soon as possible."

Juri slid her hand on and off the girl's brown hair. "Thank you Miaka for your awareness. As well as for all of you. But this group's machinery had crashed when I arrived here to rest after today's show. We had some...misunderstandings."

"Like what, my Lady?" Another women asked who had raven black hair and blue eyes.

"They suspect that I am this person with the same name and I think, appearance as me. But I do not recall such a thing, Melpone." Juri replied.

"We believe you, my Lady." Miaka says.

"Who are they exactly?" Melpone asked, pointing at the Guardians.

North stepped up, pointing them out as he said "I'm the Santa Claus, but I prefer North. That is Tooth, Sandy, Bunny, and Jack Frost."

The women went wide eyed, and stood closer to Juri. Although Jack noticed this, so they quickly covered this up with Peisinoe saying,

"Pfft, men. I feel bad for the fairy woman over there." the rest laughed, but Juri. Then Melpone became more protective when she realized this-

"Get your sick eyes off Lady Juriko, men!" She yelled, stepping in front of Juri to block view. Jack had realized what she ment. Juri's outfit...kind of made him blush (even the women were almost wearing the same type of outfit, but on was different.)

((outfit at the side >>>))

Miaka went wide eyed when she saw him slightly blush, she pulled out her spears saying "Can I kill him now, Lady Juriko?"

"Not yet." Juri says, stepping out from behind Melpone,

"We must figure out what to do with them. So right now, I call a meeting with us all. I'll go alert Parthenope and Leukosia of these events. And...I'll change out of this swimsuit, before Melpone kills someone." She says, gazing towards Melpone as the women laughed. "So until then, please escort the group to the throne room, girls."

Juri walked off, Jack ran after her, snatching her wrist. "Juri!"

The women all readied their weapons and stood behind Jack, ready to fire. Juri turned towards Jack, he continued.

"Are you sure, you don't remember, anything about me? Not even a little?"

Juri lowered her eyelids, then looked back up at Jack. She felt bad for him, that he believed she was someone, that they were obviously searching for.

"I'm sorry. But I do not know who you are. All I know, is my life here in Anthemoessa. I know nothing of what lies outside of Anthemoessa. I was born here, raised here, and will continue my life here."

Then she stomped off to find the next in charge. All Jack did, was stare at her figure walk away from him.

"Even though she doesn't know me, I still know who she is..."

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