Chapter 29: Before The Sun Goes Down

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All the Sirens cheered below, the war was over. Juri embrased Jack into a tight hug as he hugged her back.

"I can't believe it's finally over." Juri says softly into Jack's chest. He smiled softly down at her and when they pulled away, he then says,

"All we need to do now is to, plan our wedding."

Juri grinned and both walked to the sleigh, hand in hand. Theey spotted the Guardians with smiles on their faces and talking with one another. Then Juri remembered,

"Jack." He turned his attention towards her immediately, "Do you...think, they left with still my necklace?"

He thought about it for a moment, but then recalled, "Probably not. After all, Athura had with her remember?"

Then they faced Parthenope,remembering that she was the one to kill Athura. Both found her with an annoyed look on her face, her back to Cupid who was trying to speak with her. Juri ran close to the edge of the roof, looking down at the Sirens below. Juri spotted Miaka.

"Miaka!" She shouted and Miaka looked around for the voice, then finally looked up to her Queen, "May you check Athura's body for a blue necklace, please?"

Miaka nodded and began to check Athura's dead body, Jack walked over next to Juri, watching with her. Miaka searched the woman's hands, neck, dress pockets, shiefs, anything that could hold an item. She had a disappointed look when she shouted back, "I'm sorry my Lady, but she has nothing!"

Juri had a worried face, muttering, "If she doesn't have it, who do-"

"My Queens!" Melpone shouted so loud it echoed throughout the area and everyone fell silent. Parthenope and Leukosia went to the spot Jack and Juri stood, facing below. "My team and I have found Amelia. She is being held down at the moment, so follow me to the shoreline to see her."

Juri sprinted to the sleigh with Jack, Leukosia, and Parthenope following. North slapped down his ropes and the reindeer flew off, carrying the sleigh to the shoreline with the floods of Sirens down below, running there. North parked the sleigh onto an open space of sand and they all jumped out. Juri's eyes located over at five Sirens holding down a thrashing Amelia.

"Release her!" Juri yelled, and they looked at her, hesitant, but let Amelia go as she dusted herself off, annoyed. When she looked at Juri, her eyes saddened, trying hard to tense.

"Give us a moment." Juri said, as everyone allowed them too, stepping away from the two to give them a lot of space. Jack's attention didn't leave Juri, cautiously in case Amelia tries to do something.

"Amelia." Juri said, Amelia looked at her. "Why?"

Amelia was silent, her gaze to the sand.

"Why did you betray us, your sisters, your-"

"You all were nothing but a reminder to me of what I lost! Especially you."

Juri gasped, it pained her to hear her best friend say this.

"Why do you have all this hatred towards us Amelia?" Juri cried, grabbing her hands, "What did we do? What is that you lost?!"

"Everything!!!!" Amelia screamed, tearing away from Juri, walking off, but stopped in her tracks to explain.

"I lost everything because you and everybody..." Amelia whispers.

No one knew it, but by this time, Amelia, pulled out a bloody blade out from her shief, gripping it angrily, turning to Juri.

"So there's only one choice!" She yelled and ran at Juri with the blade. Juri moved quickly, but Amelia sliced a cut on Juri's arm, the pain stung badly for Juri that she cried out in pain.

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