Chapter 8: A Little Fall Of Rain

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Author's Note: Photo at the side of Melpone.

"What are we going to do now?" Tooth asked as the sky slowly darkened.

"Well obviously, we have to get those globes back." replied Jack.

"Hmph. Yeah good luck with that mate. I'll stay here while you go get slaughtered." Bunny says.

He was right. With all those well trained Sirens against the five of them, they didn't really stand a chance espicially against the Big Three [Juri, Parthenope, and Leukosia]. Jack sighed in deep frustration, dipping his head back.

If I'm ever going to get her back, I'm going to have to make her fall in love with me again.

Jack thought of an idea, he sprung to his feet and the Guardians looked at him, "That's it!"

"What is?" says Tooth.

He walked closer to them, playing with his staff, "If I made Juri fall in love with me once, I can do it again." Jack says, creating a small snowflake in his hands.



Juri loved that season, and Jack knew it. It was the season, they had both met. So if I can bring Winter to Anthemoessa, maybe she'll remember us meeting.

A few minutes till dinner, the Guardians were a bit nervous. The first dinner with the Sirens, in which they were practically plotting against the Guardians. A knock was heard at the front door, North opened it to reveal that Melpone had knocked.

"Lady Juriko has asked me, to escort the five of you to the dining area. Follow me please if you do not wish to get lost."

They stepped out of their quarters, and trailed behind the tall Siren as she lead them through bundles of leaves and branches of the trees surrounding them. Finally, the group reached a land of space filled with women everywhere. The Sirens all sat in rectangle shaped tables, each sat along side or in front of one another. They spoke in both either English or Greek, and Jack turned his head: his eyes scanned the area and passed in front of the bonfire, sat the Big Three. Parthenope, Juri, and Leukosia. Juri spotted the group and stood from her seat.

She excused herself from both women and walked towards the group. "Thank you very much Melpone. I'll take it from here."

Melpone nodded then bowed. She turned away from the group and reunited with her table beside Miaka. Juri turned to the Guardians.

"I'll take you all to your table for the time being. So follow me." They obeyed as she continued to explain, "Every dinner we have, we like to have some entertainment. So we have some Sirens go up on that stage and sing. Just this morning the Sirens got to see Parthenope, Leukosia and I perform."

"Ha! And we missed it?" North says.

"Well your mechanism managed to crash here right after the performance, so yes you did." Juri pointed out. The group reached their table close to the stage, they all sat down as Juri says "In a bit we will bring out the plates and do our usual routine. After, the performance will begin."


A group of Sirens handed out large plates and glass cups, that were filled with clear liquid, to each person. Jack turned down his plate, since he wasn't feeling hungry, not one bit. He was to distracted that he would just waste his food by looking at Juri, which was he was actually doing at the moment. His eyes were completely glued to her, stuck even. He had missed every single detail about her, if he couldn't be by her side; looking at her was all he could possibly take was okay with him for now. Her bare neck reminded him again of what he noticed earlier, that her necklace was gone. Jack decided he would let the Guardians know later in their bedrooms. 

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