Chapter 9: Break Away

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The Guardians reached their quarters, but North was first to the door. Once he entered, he found the bag of letters Jack previously wrote when Juri was gone. He quickly hid it under his coat as everyone else stepped in. Everyone was practically soaked to the skin, Jack wanted to go find Juri, but she would probably have murdered him for creating such a storm. Bunny shook around to release all the water as well as Tooth for her feathers. Sandy's sand umbrella collapsed, now just becoming a dark wet blob of sand. He motioned that he would pick that up later.

"Is everyone okay?" North asked, they nodded.

Bunny turned to Jack, "Seriously? Rain, mate? And just when the Sirens hate us, now they hate us more."

"Bunny." Tooth says, cutting in between him and Jack, "Jack tried to make it snow. And I get why: remember him and Juri met in the Winter time."

Tooth smiled warmly at Jack for his idea and attempt, "I know you miss Juri, the Juri you knew that had all her memories of us. But, she is still our Juri-your Juri; she just... forgot."

Jack sighed, "I know..."

As they went to go dry off, Jack couldn't stop hearing the words: She just... forgot. It echoed all throughout his head.

How could she have forgotten though? Could North be right about his theory, then again she remembers her parents, but not us. Jack then gasped to himself, when he remembered what was missing on Juri's appearance.

"Have you guys noticed, that Juri isn't wearing her necklace?"

The group turned to JAck after he said that, then went into deep thoughts. They began to recall their  perspectives and remembered Juri's neck was indeed bare. Thus proving that Jack's observations were accurate.

"That is odd of her, then again everything has been odd today." Tooth frowns, "Do you have any idea, on why she isn't wearing it?"

"Wait." Bunny says, adding in "If she doesn't have memory of any of us and doesn't have her necklace, do you also think that maybe her necklace could be the reason why she doesn't remember?"

"You're onto something." Tooth says, "Maybe her necklace are like my tooth capsules. The necklace probably contains her memories, and how she doesn't remember- could be because she isn't wearing it."

Her information made it all click in place, but it still didn't answer on why Juri could only remember her parents.

"That does make sense." North says, "Do you think the Sirens took it?"

"And if they did, they probably hid it well or worse, destroyed it" says Tooth.

Then Jack recieved a flashback from his early encounter with Amelia. She was running when he found her, she looked like she had committed a crime and was running away from that crime. Then he remembered  the sight of her hands.

"Guys," Jack said, "I think maybe Amelia is somehow connected with the necklace."

"Well of course she is! She's taken the side of those bloody Sirens to keep Juri from remembering!" says Bunny.

"No what I mean is: when Juri and I were looking for her, I found her. She was literally running for her life and when I stopped her, her hands were covered in dirt. it was like she was-"

"Digging...?" North finishes for him, Jack nods. "Well Bunny is right too, they all are somehow connected to her necklace being gone, so we have to get it back."

"Yeah, because clearly Jack is having a hard time trying to get Juri to remember!" Bunny says, dramatically hinting the rain situation, which was still going on at the moment.

 "Is there a way you can stop the rain?" Tooth says to Jack.

He sighs, "Nope, I tried when we were running here, but I think I made it worse. I only control Winter remember? Not the rain."

And it might rain for a while, since Jack can't stop this kind of weather and since he also summoned a lot more snow than necessary. And with the warmth of this island, the snow would just turn to rain. Though Jack didn't feel comfortable with the temperature of the island, but for Juri, anything.


It's been a week since the Guardians first landed here on the island. It stopped raining in daytime, but when the Sun rose down, rain fell which was suppose to be snow. The Sirens called this a curse.

And from that night of the all the unfortunate events, Jack couldn't sleep. He sat by the window the whole time, staring out of it. Jack wanted to make sure that a thunderstorm wouldn't erupt, thus making Juri scared out of her mind. He never wanted to have Juri become in that state ever again. Not ever since the day he figured out her fear, and his love for her. 

All night he was awake, but luckily: no thunder or lightning started.

Now that the week has passed, Jack could see the daily things Juri did in Anthemoessa. She ordered, helped out, all these things a Queen would do, and everyone praised the ground she walked on. Eventually, Juri forgave Jack for making the rain.

Jack and the Guardians were still in search of the necklace. Jack retraced Amelia's steps the day he found her, but didn't seem to find anything. So he decided to see if he might find some clues of the necklace, maybe in the: Big Three's palace per se. He asked Juri if he could have a 'tour' of the palace, and she agreed. Jack didn't really feel comforatable with tricking Juri in this way, but he had to find that necklace.


They passed the library as Juri paused pointing to the open door. 

"That's the library, Leukosia usually spends her time in there, or sleeping." Juri says chuckling a bit.

Next they went into another room, downstairs of the palace. The room was quite large actually and with a small stage inside there too. "This is our personal rehearsal room. It's where we three rehearsed our performance. This is also where they rehearsed too with my mom, sometimes I'll come in here to sing a few songs and arias."

Jack examined the room and his eyes landed on a grand piano. He walked over to it and Juri stood behind him, "You play?" She asked.

He had the urge to respond with  'Well yeah, you taught me.', but that would lead to her getting upset. So instead, he says "Yeah I actually do. Pretty decent if I say so myself."

Juri chuckles and sits on the bench of the piano beside Jack. Her delicate fingers scrolled across the tops of the ivory keys.

"Amelia had told me how incrediably talented my father was at the piano. How he dreamed to be a famous pianist, funny: because I really lack the talent to play."

Jack thought of an idea, "If you want, I can teach you."

The tables are turned now, Juri. He thought as he recalled the time she was teaching him.

Juri was hesitant, but Jack encouraged her by saying, "Come on, it'll easy. If I learned one song in about a week, then you can."

She sighed in defeat, "Oh okay."

He instructed her on what notes to hit. Jack decided to teach her the song they had played the day they made up from their stupid fight long ago. 

Maybe she'll remember?

She had a tad bit of trouble, forgetting what notes alternated on the same hand.

 "Here let me help." Jack says, standing from the bench and stood behind her. He placed his hands over her hands. He moved her fingers onto the correct notes, explaining it along the way. Jack felt the sensation that this was a  deja vu moment. Even though from his recall, Juri was the one hovering over him when she taught him how to play. But now it was him hovering over her to teach her.

Her cheeks flushed dark red and when the notes ended, she smiled madly. Jack still held her hands, and this made her insides fly because of what she was feeling. Juri then instantly snapped, standing up from the bench, clearing her throat.

"Lets go, tour's over."

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