Chapter 18: All I Ask Of You

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"Ahh!" Juri shrieked, clutching the top of head as a bolt of lightning struck in the sky above. She shut her eyes tightly, as she shook. She wanted to run, but she didn't. She couldn't. Juri didn't find the strength to move.

A clap of thunder was heard, following with another large bolt of lightning, so loud, it hurt Juri's ears. She screamed again, this time she sat closer to the tree beside her hands shielding her semi-dried head. She was shaking, not because she was cold, it was something entirely different.

"S-someone h-holds me-me sa-afe and warm..." Juri sang the lullaby to herself softly, in hopes it would help cope. "Horses p-prance through a-a silv-ver sto- ahh!"

Another loud sound of thunder making her scream again.

Juri never felt so pathetic.

One of the reasons she was embarrassed to have this fear. It made her feel and look: weak, and pitiful. She hated it more than anything. Which is why Juri never told anybody her fear, let alone let anyone see her in this state. Which is why she coped alone, Juri didn't anybody to pity her, because she would feel selfish for being a burden.

But the day Jack found out, he held out his hand for her, promising he would always be with her, Juri believed it. She didn't feel as disgusting, with Jack comforting her with her fear. He didn't leave, even after she fell asleep clutching his body, he never left. Jack stayed, even after the storm was over.


"Juri!" yelled Jack again. The rain got heavier and Jack got even more worried for Juri. He wanted to check the palace, but yet he was hesitant since he also thinks she may be outside. He ran faster, on his way to the castle to check.


His heart stopped for a second, as he turned his head to the whisper of his name. He spotted the love of his life curled into ball, hands over her head, soaked in water in only a nightgown.

"Juri..." Jack says, his gaze looked sorrowful as he slowly came closer to her.

Juri was shaking violently, like a brittle leaf in a hurricane breeze. She looked so fragile that Jack was hesitant on touching her, thinking that at any moment she would shatter. Juri could hear his voice, she opened her eyelids slightly before shutting them again when another bolt of lightning striked. Jack finally came close enough that he was sitting right next to her shaking body. When she peeked through that he was right next her, her hands snaked their way over her face as she slid away farther. She didn't want him to see her so ugly.

"Juri stop." Jack said, sliding closer to her, grabbing her hands. But she tore away, he tried again.

"Jack...I remember..." She whispered, her voice faltering as she leaned away.

He gasped.

"I remember it all Jack. Meeting you and everyone else... Defeating Pitch. Everything."

Jack stared at Juri for a bit, before picking her up onto his lap. She squealed and he wrapped his arms around the Siren, forcing her hands away from her face, having her rest her head on his shoulder, letting her continue.

"You were right." She whispered, with her head down, "They all lied to me, about it all. I couldn't believe it,'s true..."

Juri felt tears threatening to break through,

"I'm so sorry Jack..."

She shut her eyes as tears slid down. Jack picked up Juri's head, and kissed her forehead. He kissed her temple then trailing down. When he saw the tears slipping from the corners of her eyes, Jack would kiss them. Juri slowly opened her eyes and they both stared each other.

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