Chapter 31: If Nothing Happened

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As she layed on the dark glass of the pitch black night, all Juri could hear was a voice. She was unconscious, though was shivering at the voice. It was soft, a whispering voice. No not a voice- voices. Multiple ones into one voice, this was the one that hummed in her mind, singing to her. 

"Come Little Juri..." She sang softly, as she must, making Juri cringe, "I'll Take Thee Away... Into A Land Of Enchantment~..."

"Come Little Juri, The Time's Come To Play. Here In My Garden Of Shadows... Follow Sweet Juri, I'll Show Thee The Way. Through... All The Pain And The Sorrows...Weep Not Poor Child For Life Is This Way. Murdering Beauty And Passions...~"

Juri saw a glimpse of a blue blurry figure in her dream, enormous black feathery wings sprouted out, and when the figure turned, Juri shot up, waking up. She was panting, and was slightly sweating, but the cold night wind cooled it down. She looked around and saw she was under a tree in the dark night on soft green grass. She looked further ahead, and towards her was a temple. (external link: picture>>) And from she was hearing, Juri could tell a violin was playing inside the temple, expertise at hands. 

(Song is over there so I suggest you play it was now> end it when it is at 1:30 of the video also when you see they've stopped singing the lyrics. Okay onwards-)

Juri stood up, and began walking to the doors of the temple, singing to the melody of the violin.

"In sleep she sang to me... In dreams, she came... That voice which calls to me, and speaks my name..."

Once the violin got to the climax, Juri enters the temple, and spots the woman from her sleep. (Picture>>>) She had a glowing aura, bright blue to be exact. She wore a dark long dress with lace covering her back and chest area of what was exposed. Her hair was long and blue, and her back was turned to Juri, and what was most noticable was her large black wings, practically taking up her whole body by length. It was the woman Juri saw. She was still playing the violin with her long black nailed fingers, as Juri entered. After the climax she slowed the melody down softer. The bell from the top was soft clinging back and forth in an eerie melody as the woman put down the violin onto the stand. 

"Little Juri, Thought Of Everything, And Nothing..." The woman sang, "Her Father Promised Her That He Would Send Her The Protection She Needed. Her Father Promised Her, Her Father Promised Her..."


The woman turned to Juri, her eyes glowed bright blue, even being covered with a black thin veil. Her small black lips turned into a smirk as she stepped over to Juri. She hovered over the Siren, Juri caught her breathe. 

"Juri." She says slyfully, all voices giving Juri goosebumps, "I See You Have Awoken. And I Haven't Properly Introduced Myself Have I? I Am Oneira Glyka." She grinned, then removed the veil to expose her pale face.

Juri gasped, then fumbled to touch the pendant of her necklace, only to see that it was gone, but in front of her.

"You're the necklace?" She choked out.

"Yes." Oneira Glyka replied, "I Was The One To Help You Contain Your Power And Your Memories. I Was To Watch Over You And Protect You, Just For What I Was Made For. That Is Until, Amelia Took Me Away. Ahh, That Was A Dark Year For Me. But Now, We Have Reunited, And We Get To Meet Face To Face, Woman To Woman For The First Time. Because You Are Here Now."

"Is that why I'm here?" asked Juri, "To meet you?"

"That Isn't The Only Thing, My Dear Juri." She says, then pulls Juri, arm around her shoulders to chair to sit down, "You Have Been Chosen."

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