Chapter 13: You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me

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HanaFair's Note: Yay! In this chapter you get to hear Parthenope sing a solo! The video at the side is how I pictured her to sound like so I'll signal when to play it when her part comes in later, just in case if you want a visual. SOOOOOOOO sorry that this is a very short chapter. I have to finish up the rest of my homework and last project that's due tomarrow. Okay enjoy!


Upon entering the rehearsal room, after a while of just training again to let out  some steam, Parthenope headed over to the stereo systen (a gift given to them by the Muses). She pulled out a CD from a case, then slipped it into the holder of the stereo. Pulling up a chair from the ground, she sat down on it with the splat in front of her with her arms resting on the rail. 


"Feeling, broken, barely holding on..." She sang. Parthenope was lying to herself that this is just rehearsal, but really: all her feelings she's felt for the past 19 years were pouring out in this song.

"But there's just something so strong! Somewhere inside me. And I am down, but I'll get up again. Don't count me out just yet...!"

Her gaze lowered, her eyes shut slightly as a sore pain built up in her chest,  "I've been brought... down to my knees. And I've been pushed! Way past the point of breaking, but I can take it. I'll be back... back on my feet. This is far from over. You haven't seen the last of me. You haven't seen the last of me."

Parthenope pulled up her head, and her arms slipped away from the railing, this time: her hands were gripping the railing as she continued.

"They can say that," She sang, "I won't stay around. But I'm gonna stand my ground! You're not gonna stop me.You don't know me. You don't know who I am. Don't count me out so fast...!"

"I've brought..." Her hands pulled her up off the chair, as she was standing now. "down to my knees..."

Parthenope slid the chair to the other side of the stage as she walked slowly to the front of the stage. "And I've been pushed! Way past the point of breaking! But I can take it!" She sang while pointing her thumb at herself.

"I'll be back! Back on my feet! This is far from over.You haven't seen the last of me." Her hands now were in a tight fist as she was already at the very front of the stage.

"There will be no fade out! This is not the end! I'm down now, but I'll be standing tall again! Times are hard, but I was built tough! I'm gonna show you all what I'm made of!!!"

All her memories flooded in: of her, Leukosia, and Ligeia. The war after Ligeia left, Even memories from before that. When Andre and Amelia came, when Ligeia got married, when she announced her pregnancy. And most of all, the day she announced, that she was leaving Anthemoessa for Andre and, Juri who was growing inside her. And worse of it all, the day all the Sirens were informed that Ligeia had died.

All Parthenope's endurance of pain and loss, brought tears in her eyes. 

"I've been brought! Down to my knees! And I've been pushed right past the point of breaking, but I can take it! I'll be back! Back on my feet! This is far from over...I am far from over. You haven't seen the last of me"

"No no! I'm not going nowhere! I'm staying right here! Oh no. You won't see me fade out! I'm not taking my bow! Can't stop's not the end..." Parthenope took in a sharp breath as she felt her voice beginning to crack.

"You haven't seen the last of me..." She sang softly, "Oh no. You haven't seen the last of me.You haven't seen the last of me..."

Parthenope sighed, as she wiped away the tears flowing down her cheeks. She jumped when she heard a slow clap. From behind the opened door, which Parthenope mentally cursed at herself for not closing it properly, walked in Leukosia. Parthenope quickly wiped away the remaining tears, as Leukosia gave her a sympathetic smile.

"What's wrong?" Leukosia asked softly walking up to the stage.

Parthenope wanted to yell at her, saying that nothing was wrong and to stop asking idiotic questions. But she couldn't find the will to do it.

"Leukosia..." She whispered, with her voice cracking. Parthenope fell down to her knees. She began to sob, while covering her face with her hands. Leukosia sat beside her, with her arm around Parthenope and the other hand was on Parthenope's green haired head. Parthenope never felt so naked, disgusted with herself actually. She has never cryed in front of anybody, not since she was a baby and the day when they were told of Ligeia's death, but that was in private. She felt so weak and pathetic, but she couldn't help it. She cryed into her sister's shoulder, as she began to explain.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, crying more. "It was wrong of me to make you and everybody else lie to her."

As she cryed, Leukosia asked further more, knowing that Parthenope wouldn't open up to her if she didn't ask. "Then why did you do it?"

"Because...because, without Ligeia, we were completely lost...I was afraid that we would be overthrown by the enemies, and I would fail to be Queen of this island, if anything happened to any of you." Parthenope calmed down a bit, enough for her to talk clearly. "I was crushed when Ligeia left. We lost a sister, and then Juri came into our lives. She is like her mother, even resemblance. I don't want her to leave us, like Ligeia did."

"Why do you say she is going to leave us?" asked Leukosia. Parthenope rose up from Leukosia's shoulder, and with a sigh she replied with:

"You were right. Now I can see it, but Juri did find her Syn, she just doesn't remember..."

Leukosia smiled. Her sister has now realized it too. But the wait will be over, because now Jack knows what to do.

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