Chapter 5

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"We have to go back, Matt!" I yelled at him and ran to my own hotel room. I psssed the mirror and grabbed my bag.

"No, we need to stay," Matt said and I glared at him. I punched him in his head making him let go of my wrist.

"Don't you even-"

"Yes I do! But if it's from Jason, you know it's the best choice!" he yelled while wincing because of the bruise in his face. "You heard Jason. You need to be safe!"

"Jason can possibly dead and it's because of me!"

"It's not your fault, El! You're here, he's there!"

"Lifeless by now!" I cried and ran a hand in my hair. I walked towards the door quickly but he blocked my way when I got out.

"You can't lose this. You can't lose everything that's meant for you! I can't lose you!" he shook me and I pulled myself away from his grip.

"I can't lose, Jason!" I yelled back, my voice in the whole floor echoing. I turned around but he pulled my arm. I swat my arm and he let go.

"El," he looked at me sadly, with all the symphaty in his tone and eyes. I wiped my tears away. "I will always be here for you."

"He's still not dead, Matt. I will go and keep him safe. I will save him no matter what happens, I will try. I will.." I broke down on the floor and covered my face with my hands.

"You have to be safe," he repeated and I cried even harder, ignoring my instincts to shout and fight with him. "You heard it, I heard it."

Can this get anymore painful? He hugged me and I cried in his arms again. I pulled my knees and hugged it, burrying my head on the middle still breaking down. I feel so shit right now. Why does this happen to me? I retrieve the other and the other does this act? He hugged me tight and placed his chin on top of my head. He carressed my head and stroke my hair telling me to calm down but I refuse to listen to him. I keep yelling and yelling but the heavy weight inside my heart keeps on making me sink deeper and deeper. The ship I am in is sinking and I can't keep it any longer. I want to die but I know I can't do that, not here, not now. I am still in my mental self to think about dying but not doing it.

"Jane, please," he pleaded and I cry even harder. Jane. That was the name I got from him. For us to be triple J's from his name Jason.

"We will find out soon but not now, not like this, okay?" he assures me and I continued on breaking down.




"Jas?" I whispered when I saw a tall tuxedo guy with his back facing me. He's walking in the park and then he stopped at a small cafe. That has to be Jason! I ran and speed up to him to hug him but I can't. When I hug him, it's like he's a hallogram and I only touch my opposite arm with the other.

The store's security guard opened the door for him ignoring me as I followed. Jason went inside the store and I follow him, biting the insides of my cheeks. Forcing myself not to cry.

Jason greeted the sales lady a hello and got himself some warm bagels and a cup of coffee. He walked towards a couch and placed his coffee on top of the table. He leaned and just looked everywhere with a smile.

"Jason, we need to talk," I told him but he didn't turn his head to face me. His smile grew wider and I turned to where he was looking at; a little girl with ragged clothes sitting on the street unaware of what's happening around her.

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