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George, Sapnap, and Dream are walking to the beach. They get there and they sit on the sand for a few minutes. Dream gets bored so he starts tickling George.

George: DREA- ha STOP
Dream: Never :)

George gets up quickly and runs with Dream chasing after him. Dream catches up and tackles George to the ground, eventually pulling each other's shirts off.

Sapnap laughs at them as he watches.


Eventually they settle down and they lay down on the sand. George lays his head on Dream's warm chest as they watch the sun start to set. Sapnap walks over seeing they've finally calmed down.

Sapnap: Are you two worn down yet?
They both shrug.
Sapnap: I'd of joined you but it was funnier watching you two yell and scream and run.
George: Yeah it was fun.
Dream: George yuck your drooling on me.
*They all laugh*
Sapnap: We should probably go home it's getting dark.

They get up and pick up Dream and George's shirts. Dream grabs George's hand and they all walk home. When they get home, everyone showers  and gets ready for bed.

Dream's Mom: Night boys no staying up too late.
Dream we won't.
Dream's Mom: Alright then. Goodnight you two.
*Dream's Mom leaves the room.*

George lays his head on Dream's shoulder.
George: Dream I'm cold.
Dream: Here. *Takes off his sweatshirt and hands it to George*
George: You didn't hav-
Dream: Im not cold though. *Dream puts the hoodie over George's head and puts it on George.*
George: Oh well Thanks I guess.

They both lay down and George cuddles up against Dream and ends up falling asleep in Dreams arms. Dream eventually falls asleep as well as he strokes George's hair.

*The next morning*

George wakes up and trys to move. Dream pulls George closer.

Dream: Stay pwease. (Keep in mind Dream just woke up so he was mumbling a bit)
George: Fine.

George cuddles into Dream's chest again.

Dream: You wanna stream later?
George: Sure but can it be a just chatting one since my laptop doesn't run Minecraft great and I don't have my PC yet?
Dream: Ofc :) *Dream softly kisses George's Forehead.*
George: *Blushes a little but hides it by pushing his face into Dream's chest.*
Dream: Oh yeah by the way don't worry about giving my hoodie back soon. I have plenty and you can borrow any of them.
George: Thanks. I'd let you borrow my clothes but your kina like- taller than me.
Dream: It's ok George. I don't mind.

Dream and George continue cuddling and talking for another 20 minutes and then they decide to shower and eat breakfast. They then get ready for the stream.

George: Uh dream where do i sit I don't have a chair.
Dream: On the floor.
George: Uh but then they won't see me.
Dream: I'm kidding. Your so fun to mess with. Maybe later I'll go get my old chair from the garage but for now you can sit in my lap, or on the bed. Or there's the floor of course.
George: Ill just sit in your lap ig.

George sits on Dream's lap and watches as Dream presses the button to start to stream and puts on the starting soon screen. After a few minutes he takes it off and starts the stream.

Chat: Dnf confirmed? Why is George sitting in your lap?
Dream: Hi chat! George is sitting in my lap cuz I need to get my old chair but I can't right now.
George: I bet people are gonna make fanarts I this.
Dream: Probably.

Dream and George continue the stream and chat goes crazy as they are basically cuddling in the chair.

Dono: Dream are you two dating and if your not would you ever date George.
Dream: No we are not dating and still have no real plan to but honestly if he asked or I was forced to or something I would.
Dono: You guys are cute cuddling together so heres $5 also can I draw you guys?
Both agree.
Dream: George your drooling on me again.
George: Oops sorry.
Chat: AGAIN?!
Dream: Yes chat George has drooled on me before big deal.
Dono: I'll donate $100 if you guys kiss.
Dream: You don't have to donate the money.

Dream then pulls George's face to his and they kiss for a second.

Chat: *goes crazy*
Dono: You guys deserve the money.

George Blushes and digs his face into Dream's chest.

Dream: Aw it's ok baby you don't have to be embarrassed.
Chat: BABY?
George: Did you forget we're live?
Dream: Nope. *Kisses George's Forehead and starts to rub his back*

George and Dream continue acting like it's a Wattpad story, (even though it sadly is) and then they finally end stream and go play with Patches.

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