Karl and sapnap left the room so it was left with George in Dream's lap.
George: I don't wanna move *looks up at dream*
Dream: *looks down from what he was doing and smiles* aw is my Georgie being sweet?
George: maybe *pulls Dreams face down and kisses him*Dream smiles and looks back at the screen where he was doing who knows what on discord. A light blush forms on George's face so he snuggles up against the blonde boys chest and listens to him humming "she looks so perfect".
*five minutes pass*
Dream: they need to make a "he looks so perfect song"
George: why?
Dream: because all the good love songs are straight
George: you can sing. You make one.(Dream if your reading this this would be a great idea for your next song)
Dream: do you know how long it takes to make lyrics why do you think I only have 3 songs out and one in the making?
George: you mean 2 and a half since Alec helped with Change my clothes?
Dream: if you want to put it that way go aheadDream laughs a little at his comment as George buries his head into the taller boy's chest. Dream plays with George's hair and lets his thoughts run.
I'd stay here years if I could.
30-God I can't wait to marry you
All you do is have to say yes...Dream rubs the back of the smaller boy as he thinks of Christmas
2 more days
It's Christmas eve it is.
Dream is cuddled up in George's arms as he wanted to be the small "spoon" for the night. The two were enjoying every minute of it. George usally slept longer than dream did so he never really got to see what the dirty blonde idiot looked like while he slept. Maybe it was something about being the smaller spoon, since today George was awake and Dream was curled up against the burnets chest- back outwards as George rubbed it. But of course sapnap was awake.
Sapnap: alright alright cuddle time Is over. *throws pillow*
George: *whisper shouts* sap! Shoo dream is sleeping still
Sapnap: and your point is?
George: he doesn't get to sleep that long and I see why.
Sapnap: well if you weren't here and he quit watching you sleep then yea he would get sleep.
George: oh-
Sapnap: no no I'm sorry gogs I didn't mean it like that.
George: no no it's ok.Sapnap leaves the room and after a few minutes Dream wakes up.
Dream: *tired* mmm
George: morning. *kisses dream*
Dream: *looks up at George* I've never really been held before- *goes silent*
George: it's ok you can like it. *pushes a piece of blonde hair away*Dream buries his head into George's head and sobs a little bit.
Dream had never really been held before, and he liked it. It was different to dream, and he wanted to say it- but everyone always expected Dream to be really masculine. The only reason the fandom was pretty much ok with dnf becoming and actual couple was because they had been shipped together for almost two years. From fanfics to fan arts it was kinda natural.
George: Clay please don't cry what's wrong?
Dream: *sobs a little bit* George-Dream pulls George's face down to his and cups the smaller boys face, giving him a kiss. George knows how Dream is feeling at the moment and kisses back. Finally the two disconnect after running out of breath.
George straddled dream a little bit longer before the two had to get up.
I want to thank my friend fallen_forward for the inspo on a portion ofthis next scene.
The two did pretty much nothing for a few hours but then came noon and Dream decided to make lunch. George got up from the couch to watch what Dream was doing in the kitchen.
Dream: patches you have to get off the counter. *puts patches on the floor*
George: Dreammmmm
Dream: yes gogs?
George: nothing.
Dream: *rolls eyes playfully*George puts himself in front of Dream and lays on the blondes chest while wrapping his arms around him.
Dream: George I'm cooking
George: your point is?
Dream: I- you-
George: am I in your way?
Dream: *sigh* no
George: then looks like I'm staying.Dream finished making hotdogs, and handed one to George, who had gotten off a few minutes before.
George: *takes hotdog* Dream your such an American.
George takes his food and then sits himself down on a chair.
Dream: you little-
Dream sits down beside George and shoves him playfully.
George: hey! *shoves back*
They wind up having a shoving competition.
Sapnap: Dream didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with your food.
Dream: *shoves George once more* nick!When dream had shoved George however, it was a little to hard, and within a few seconds George was about to fall over
Dream: shit! *grabs george*
Sapnap: and that's why-
Dream: not the time nick.
Sapnap: sorry.At this point the smaller boy had quite the scare and was wrapped Dream with his face buried in the blondes chest.
Dream: are you ok baby?
George: *nods head*
Sapnap: ...After a few minutes of silence in attempt to get
George to calm down, george climbs off of dream and back onto his chair.

Everlasting | DNF Fanfic
FanfictionGeorge announces that he is moving to Florida. After some suspiciously close touching, sleeping together, and looks, Dream and George choose to get it together and make it permanent. There are some tws including homophobia, suicidal thoughts, and me...