After they finally finished lunch, sapnap had the terrible idea of doing a baking stream, so Dream George sapnap and Karl decided to have a baking stream. (Warning this is a longer chapter bc I wanna show the full mess of a stream but not drag out a whole day into 10 chapters)
Dream: hey chat!
*others say hello*
Dream: today we're gonna be baking cookies!
Sapnap: Santa is gonna get high eating these
*insert Karl laugh and dream wheeze*
Dream: I say we split the work in half?They all agree so Dream and George are assigned to do wet ingredients, and Karl and sapnap to do dry, which likely wasn't a good idea as sapnap threatened to put crack or god knows what else in it when no one was looking.
*somewhere in the process*
Sapnap: I'll do it!
Dream: Sap don't put crAck in the bowl
Sapnap: ok I won't put crAaaaack in.George and Karl burst into severe laughter, however no one knows if it was because of the voice crack, or the mockery. Either way Dream decided to tackle his friend to the ground, only to remember sapnap can somehow pick Dream up AND win in most fights despite the fact Dream is the one who works out.
Sapnap: *after pinning dream* if you'd spend less time cuddling your boyfriend maybe you'd have time to get better.
Dream: hey! George cuddle sepremacy.George blushes heavily and moves out of frame, (it was lost in the files, however it was said that the dough was chilling at this time)
Sapnap: Karl's are better.
At this point george and Karl wound up hiding off frame from embarrassment while sapnap and Dream were arguing over whose partner was better. Thankfully, their timer eventually went off letting the four know it was time to take out the dough.
Dream: you two get your asses over here and find the flour and a rolling pin of some sort.
George: flour? What do you need that for?
Dream: so the dough doesn't stick to my counters and it doesn't take as long to clean.So Karl throws some flour on the counter and george makes sapnap roll out the dough.
Sapnap: Dream where did we put the cookie cutters?
Dream: uhhhhh. I don't know my mom put most of our things away.
Sapnap: oh right. Did she not show you where they were?
Sapnap: aghhhhhh
Dreams mom: what's wrong?
Dream: what'd you do with the cookie cutters we can't find them?Turns out they were in the pantry. Chat went hysterical after seeing dreams face when he learned that's where they were.
Finally they finished cutting out the cookies, so they were put in the oven and everyone started to clean up.
*after they were mostly cleaned up*
Dream: George come here I have something for you.
George: what could you possibly have for me?
Dream: *pulls hand from being his back* I brought you flours.
George: ha ha very funny dream.
Dream: oh come on you know it was funny.Dream put away the flour, and finally after some random goofing off, the oven beeped telling the boys that it was time to decorate there cookies. They decorated their cookies and finished the stream.
Around 6 o'clock
George was snuggled up to dream watching him scroll through Twitter. Dream was barely paying attention to the tweets and was more worried about tomorrow.

Everlasting | DNF Fanfic
FanfictionGeorge announces that he is moving to Florida. After some suspiciously close touching, sleeping together, and looks, Dream and George choose to get it together and make it permanent. There are some tws including homophobia, suicidal thoughts, and me...