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2 weeks went by, and about all Dream did was work. From meetings, to editing, to wedding planning, Sapnap and George rarely saw him outside of when he came out to get snacks and some ice to chew. So when Dream flopped down on the bed for the night it was no surprise when George came to ambush him for cuddles.

"Stop working so much and pay attention to me idiot" george whined.

Dream must've looked like a zombie if george was acting like this. Then again they typically cuddled a lot throughout the day, however lately the most cuddling that took place was in the evening until they woke up.

Dream: you wanna get married though don't you.
George: well I mean yeah.
Dream: then don't complain idiot.
George: your the idiot

Dream rolls his eyes

Dream: anyway speaking of marriage and what not what do you say we go to the mall tomorrow?
George: what does the mall have to do with our wedding?
Dream: I figured we could go to this ring place they have to get the wedding rings.
George: is that where you got my ring?

Dream nods.

Dream: yeah and besides getting rings we could also just hang around.
George: what like a date?
Dream. Sure. It's a date.


George rolled over the next morning hoping to bury his face into the other's chest, only to discover he wasn't their. George groaned and sat up. He heard the water running in the bathroom.

Dream is in the shower. George rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone, then laying back down on his back to do who knows what.

Finally, dream comes out of the shower.

George: took you long enough.
Dream: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
George: well yeah you stopped cuddling me.
Dream: I have to shower you idiot.

George pouted. Dream just laughed. He then picked up a hoodie off of his chair and put it on. George watched- and giggled when he realized which hoodie it was.

Dream: what?
George: Dream that's my hoodie
Dream: all my hoodies end up being your hoodies you idiot.
George: no dream that's like actually my hoodie.

Dream raises an eyebrow at the other before holding the collar of the sweatshirt to his nose. It smelled like his partner. Of course it did. Dream was wearing one of George's dream-sized hoodies.

George: told you so.
Dream: yeah yeah.
George: you said yourself you sized a couple of the ones you bought up so you could steal mine.
Dream: fair enough. Just go shower I'm gonna go make breakfast.
George: not until i get my kiss.

George looked at Dream expectantly. Dream sighed and kissed the other.

Dream: happy now?
George: maybe.
Dream: whatever.

George went and showered, while Dream went downstairs to make breakfast for the the three. (Oh yeah Karl went home now) When George finished, he came up behind Dream and wrapped his arms around the others waist, sticking his hands in the others hoodie pocket.

Dream thought George was being was clingy.

Dream: aw is my Georgie being sweet?
George: no no he is not.

With that, George grabbed Dream's wallet and phone out of his pocket and ran.

Dream: you asshole.

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