George is sitting criss cross on the couch watching some show. As per usual, he had one of dreams hoodies on, though for some odd reason he had the collar over the lower half of his face as he played with the string. But the boy was content, so Dream and sapnap let him be.
*watching from the kitchen*
Sapnap: what's with the collar?
Dream: what collar?
Sapnap: *points to george*
Dream: honestly, I wish I knew. He does it all the time but only with my hoodies- never his.Dreams Mom comes over and sits down with Dream and sapnap.
Dreams mom: is that your hoodie he's wearing clay?
Dream: uh yeah why?
Dreams mom: I could be wrong but it's probably got your scent on it- and figuring he keeps doing it he probably likes it.
Sapnap: grosssssss
Dreams mom: well out of context yes. But many people have their "comfort scents"
Dream: and George's comforting scent is... my scent?
Dreams mom: I guess so.Dream melts a little but hides it.
Dream: so is your comfort scent dad?
Dreams mom: *laughs* it probably was in like high school- I prefer a light lavender scent now though)(Authors note: my mom was allergic to lavender so I've hardly ever smelt it. I only put it cuz I couldn't think of one)
Dream: sapnap's is karllllll
Sapnap: oh fuck off
*laughter*Conversation continues, then Dream goes and sits on the couch, putting his feet on the coffee table.
Dream: nice hoodie
George: you realize this is your hoodie right
Dream: your no funGeorge rolls his eyes and lays his head on the blonde's shoulder. Dream smiles and lays his head on top of George's.
They sit like that for a while until George gets bored slides his head under Dream's arm, laying back down on the other's chest.
George looks up at dream.
George: hey clay?
Dream: *looking down at george* yeah baby?
George: I love youDream plays with George's hair for a moment.
Dream: I love you too.
Finally, finally it's New Year's Eve. In fact the boys have spent so long messing around, it's somehow already 11 o'clock. They also had streamed earlier in the day, so George hadn't had any cuddles since they woke up. He decided this meant he was deprived.
Dream is minding his business on the couch, not paying attention to the tv- of which sapnap put on so they could "watch the ball drop" even though they all knew no one was gonna actually watch it. George took this as a chance.
George: Dreammmmm
Dream: whatttttttt
George: can I lay on you im tired
Dream: we've only got an hour left cant you wait?
George: exactly I need to recharge. Besides, we haven't cuddled since this morning.Dream sighed.
Dream: fair point. Come here.
George snuggled up close to the blonde, laying his head on the other's chest. Sapnap looked up from where he was cuddled up with Karl and rolled his eyes. Dream snorts and turns to try to kiss George, although he has other ideas.
George: hey no kisses until midnight.
Dream: what?! Why not?
George: because.
Dream: fine. No cuddles til midnight either.Dream tries to push George off, but he stays put.
George: there's no such things as new years cuddles dream.
Dream rolls his eyes. It's silent for a moment and the next thing anybody knows the four boys are making conversation.
There's one minute left of 2022. Neither George or Karl are cuddling with their partners. (No they aren't cuddling either why did you even think about that.)
There's 3o seconds left. George smiles at Dream.
15. This will be the first full year george is home.
10. First full year of being together.
George: oh my god there's 10 seconds left
"1"Dream pulls George in close and kisses him. The two feel the excitement and warmth as there lips collide. Although many kisses have been shared before, somehow this one was more special. And just as soon as it began, it ended. Dream hugged the brunette tightly as the other buries his own face into his chest.
Dream: your such an idiot.
"Yeah sapnap, your such an idiot" Karl repeats to his own partner, who had practically copied his friends.
Sapnap: so what your leaving in a few days George lives here. *pouts*
Karl: babe you two are gonna be over in a couple months and then I'll be at their wedding, it's really not that long.
Sapnap: I guess.Sapnap situates himself back in Karl's touch, wishing the fluffy brown haired boy didn't have to leave in two days. George decides he wants more than just Dream's shoulder, and cuddles up in the blonde's lap, nuzzling the other's neck.
Sapnap: Karl?
Karl: yeah nick?
Sapnap: when you do leave, your not aloud to kiss anybody else anymore.
Karl: I mean sure I guess that's fair since we're dating now.
Dream: no more homie hopper for Karl.
Karl: awwwww I have to lose the homie hopper title?
George: now you get the sapnap's boyfriend title.
Sapnap: that's a better title. *kisses karl*Authors note: happy new year all! I wanted to get a chapter out so this one's a bit shorter- but I've come up with a REALLY good idea for a longer chapter. So stay tuned for when I get around to writing that. I mean if I think it's good it's gotta be good right? Enough rambling I gotta post this.

Everlasting | DNF Fanfic
FanfictionGeorge announces that he is moving to Florida. After some suspiciously close touching, sleeping together, and looks, Dream and George choose to get it together and make it permanent. There are some tws including homophobia, suicidal thoughts, and me...