The End

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And just like that, it's over. Thank you all so much for reading. I've got another book I'm in the process of writing, so once I get the first chapter edited it will be posted very soon. After that book is finished I plan on doing a re-written version of this book that flows together better, and one day we might even do a sequel. It probably will have very different events and a better plot as well since this one is so poorly written. We'll see tho. Again thank you all for sticking around, especially if you've been here since I wrote Bonding in 2021. I still can't believe I've been writing this book since September of 2021 and just like that it's July 27th 2023 and I'm writing this final page so that I can thank you all. Stay tuned for my next book, and hopefully a revision of this one since it needs a lot of work. Love you guys! -Med

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