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By this time their is less than two weeks until Christmas and the tree is up and everything. Dream and George were sleeping peacefully until sapnap and Karl came into ruin it.

Dream: *in his mind* mmm why do I hear sap? I just wanna sleep. If he's laughing because I sleep with a pillow again he's gonna be dead.
Sap: what if I post these on instagram?
Karl: what's the point though doesn't everyone know anyway?
Sap: yeah but it's still be funny.
Dream: *wakes up and realizes he's cuddled up with George not his pillow* sap what the fuck stop taking pictures.
Sap: and? What are you gonna do
Dream: I'll kick you out.
Sap: fine fine Jesus dude

George wakes up from all the commotion.

George: mmm Dream stop moving so much.
Dream: well blame nick cuz he thinks it's funny to take pictures.
Sap: yeah yeah we know you gotta protect him George this George that.
Dream: are you on your period or something?

Everybody bursts out in laughter except sapnap, who flips Dream off and leaves.

Karl leaves a few seconds later and then Dream gets George to finally get up rather than staying in bed all day.

Dream: George all your hoodies are in the wash so you'll have to use one of mine if your cold.
George: yeah yeah simp
Dream: your right! Super intense minecraft player. *pulls George towards him and plants kiss on his forehead*
George: DREAM
Dream: oh shut it you know you like when I do that.
George: fuck you.
Dream: no thanks.

Dream and George finally get dressed after Dream continues to irritate George. They then go downstairs.

Sap: took you two long enough I was starting to wonder if you were doing it.
George: yeah well Dream's mean.
Dream: am I though? *swings George around and kisses him once again*
Sap: yuck keep your lovey dovey shit upstairs for once.
Dream: says the one who likes Karl.
Karl: nick be nice.
Sap: fine.
Dream: see all it takes is for your little crush to say shut up and you'll do it.
Sap: I hate you all.
Karl: do you really hate all of us though?

With that Karl gives sapnap a short but sweet kiss and goes upstairs to change. Sapnap sits there in shock while Dream and George laugh until it hurts all over.


Karl: you guys wanna watch a movie?
Sap: s-sure
Dream: sure but I do wanna point out sap has been nervous around Karl ever since this morning.
Dream: oh shut it.

Either way they all agree to a movie and decide on home alone as it is Christmas time.

George: Dream can we cuddle? I'm cold.
Dream: ofc baby. Come here.
Sap: why do you guys have to make everyone around you feel so fucking single.
Dream: If you'd bother to get off your ass and find your soulmate then maybe you wouldn't.
Karl: here sap I'll cuddle with you :)
Sap: ur joking right?
Karl: nope.

So karl and sapnap cuddle and so do dream and George. The funny thing is sapnap has never done this before so for him it's really awkward unlike dreamnotfound on the other hand who do it all the time.

Sap: how the heck is this done *shifts around a bunch more*
Dream: well for one you gotta sit still if George were moving that much he'd be off in a minute.
Sap: ok then what?
Dream: then you get to put your head on Karl's chest.
Sap: anything else?
Dream: not really just like get comfortable ig
Karl: was that really that hard?
Sap: well yes

Finally sapnap gets it and the four watch the movie. Sapnap winds up learning George's ways of being the smaller one as he falls asleep on Karl. When the movie is over, Karl carry's sapnap to bed while Dream and George stay because George has chosen his clingy arc.

Dream: George cmon we sleep on the couch too often.
George: who said we were gonna sleep here? I don't wanna move rn tho.
Dream: George your gonna fall asleep.
George: *whining* but I don't want too.
Dream: well your body seems to have recalibrated itself to where you go to sleep better and quicker while cuddling.
George: so?
Dream: sooo your guaranteed to fall asleep therefore we should at least go upstairs.
George: *lets out another whine*
Dream: *looks down at the smaller boy in his arms* baby please I ain't gonna stop cuddling you I couldn't if I tried.
George: fine.
Dream: thank you.

Dream kisses George on the forehead just before the shorter boy buries his head into the blonde's chest. Dream carry's George up to bed and lays down while continuing to hold the burnet tight.

Dream: you have a lot more trust with me carrying you then you used too.
George: i do.
Dream: I'm proud of you :)
*they kiss*
Dream: *whispering* go to sleep baby
George: I love you clay
Dream: I love you too gogs.

Dream gives George a final soft kiss on the forehead before they both go to sleep.


A week goes by with sapnap acting really awkward around Karl while dnf is the same as usual with chat going crazy with the kissing or "lovey dovey shit" as sap might describe. Sap eventually decides to be a man and asks Karl out. Dream hadn't taken George out in a while so they all agreed to a double date. (Karl and sap aren't official... yet)

George: where are we going dream?
Dream: its a surprise :)
George: *whines* why can't you tell mee
Dream: cuz it's a surprise.
George: *lets out another whine*
Sap: look it I'm ready. Also, make George quit the whining it's annoying.
Dream: don't be mean to George.
Sap: well maybe if he wasn't colorblind he wouldn't whine so much.
Karl: uhm sap I'm colorblind too.
Sap: yeah well at least you can see some colors
Dream: actually George can see the color blue and technically any other color just not necessarily correctly.
George: *looks up at Dream while tugging on his hand* are we gonna go or not?
Dream: *looks down and smiles* yes we're gonna go.

Finally everyone gets in the car and Karl drives. Sapnap sits in the passenger seat, and Dream and George are in the back. Small arguments continue throughout the ride and George winds up falling asleep on dreams chest as he is sick of the arguing. Dream strokes the smaller boys hair for the rest of the car ride and surprisingly doesn't wake him up.

Heheh cliff hanger

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