George had fallen asleep on the couch, so naturally Dream attempted to scoop him up and take him to bed. Unfortunately, when Dream tried to stick his hands under the brunettes smaller body he groaned and rolled over into a more difficult position for Dream to pick him up. So, not wanting to wake the other, Dream sighed and kissed him on the forehead, pulled the blanket over him and went up to bed himself.
*A few hours later* (ha you thought I was gonna say the next morning)
George stepped groggily into the couple's room to find Dream asleep. George rolled his eyes. He walked over to where Dream was laying and shook him lightly.
George: Dream.
No answer. George tried again
George: Dreammmm
This time Dream groaned and scratched his chest, but he still wasn't awake. George started to get a little annoyed.
George: Clay?
Dream stretched a little and rubbed his eyes. He sat up a little bit.
Dream: what's wrong baby?
George: nothings wrong- it's just too difficult to sleep without you.Dream melted a little bit.
Dream: aw george come here.
Dream patted the spot between his legs, giving George permission to sit. George happily obeyed and sat down between the others legs, with his head against the blonde's chest.
Dream: how long have you been up?
George: I dunno probably an hour. Why didn't you take me to bed with you like you normally do?
Dream: well I tried to, but you rolled over into some position that would've been nearly impossible to pick you up without waking you.
George: oh.George felt a little bit upset- because Dream usually had no problem picking him up- but also a little bit mad at himself- because he must've rolled over into a really stupid position if Dream couldn't take him to bed.
Dream played with George's hair. He had always loved how fluffy and soft it was.
George: can you do the thing? *playing with dreams fingers*
Dream: I can do a lot of things George. What thing specifically?
George: I mean the one thing you do to like get me to fall asleep or whatever. *traces dream's veins*
Dream: that doesn't help you can fall asleep anywhere idiot.
George: i don't know what you call it- I just know you don't do it very often.Dream watches as George continued drawing shapes on his own palm with his finger, trying really hard to figure out what George was wanting. He hummed a little in thought, rocking lightly back and forth as a stim to calm his brain.
George: that feels good.
That's it. Dream didn't know why that's how he knew what George was taking about some way dream got George to sleep some nights when he couldn't sleep.
Dream: oh your wanting that.
Dream slid now so he was laying down, with George laying just below his ribs, with the rest of his body between Dream's legs.
George: took you long enough idiot.
Dream rolled his eyes and let George shove his hands under him, so that he was basically hugging the other. Dream smiled and stroked the other's back while kind of massaging his head. A few minutes of this went by and he also started rocking his legs a little against George, since that's what really got him to sleep.
Finally, George was nearly asleep. Dream noticed this and pulled George up so that he was laying on his chest.
George: Thank you

Everlasting | DNF Fanfic
FanficGeorge announces that he is moving to Florida. After some suspiciously close touching, sleeping together, and looks, Dream and George choose to get it together and make it permanent. There are some tws including homophobia, suicidal thoughts, and me...