Guess who's back? 🚧

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🚧Heads up, folks! 🚧

From this chapter forward, we're going full construction mode on the book! Expect some name swaps and plot twists that might make you feel like you've stepped into a parallel universe. So, if you want the whole, shiny story without any confusion, maybe hold off until my renovation's done.

Never had I truly grasped the fluidity of time until now. It has the ability to rush by like a fleeting moment of happiness or come to a standstill, frozen along with your heart when emotions run deep. Yet, there are moments when time trickles slowly, drop by agonizing drop. Plink, plink, plink — like Chinese water torture, keeping you awake through the night. And that's how the past two weeks unfolded for me, each moment passing in a slow-motion cascade of a thousand water drops.

Since Michael's departure, New York lost its luster. It seemed irrational; considering the limited time I spent with him, I hadn't even scratched the surface of getting to know him. Yet, here I was, alone, grappling with a profound sense of loss that seemed to seep into my very bones.

The silver lining, if one could call it that, was my heightened creativity. Sorrow, it appeared, served as a potent fuel for inspiration. Surprisingly, I hadn't realized how much of a distraction Michael could be. On another note, Dad managed to secure an interview for me with the renowned attorney Alfred — a move undoubtedly orchestrated by my mom. Thankfully, there was no one around to sabotage her plans this time!

Beyond that, my days revolve around moments shared with Angela or the company of Stephan. Whether I'm engrossed in writing, reading, or pursuing my newfound interest—social media—it keeps me occupied.

The digital realm is flooded with posts from everyone these days! It's astonishing how much information circulates online. Instagram, in particular, holds a treasure trove of data. As I reached for my phone to connect with my virtual circle, a split second before my fingers touched the screen, a new notification stole my breath.

"Michael Matters has requested to follow you."

For a fleeting moment, time stood still, and my heart followed suit. I mean, who... where did this come from? In a state of shock, I switched off my phone and tossed it onto the coffee table. Almost instantly, I snatched it back up, turning it on and staring at the display as my brain worked overtime to connect the dots.

Alright, calm down! It's just a friend request!

I ponder it for a moment, nodding to myself. Just when I least expected it, he decided to reappear, as if nothing had happened? What on earth should I do with this?

As I closed my eyes, his voice filled my mind, and I could almost sense him teasing me as if he were just inches away. Wouldn't it be something if he could step out of the phone and be right there beside me? I had a whole speech prepared to face him! Thankfully, my flat wasn't Hogwarts, and I wasn't Hermione Granger, so that lecture wasn't happening today.

The "ring-ring-ring" sound snapped me back from the Gryffindor common room straight into my living room. I glanced down at the phone, and Stephan's name was on the display.

"Hey Steph! What's up?" I answered, consciously pushing thoughts of Michael aside. Instantly, I felt steadier.

"Green, I'm around. Meet me at Corner Coffee. They have those delicious chocolate cookies that are to die for," his voice rang with serenity, bringing an inner leap of joy to my heart. He seemed to be in a good mood.

"Cookies?" I asked, the image of delicious chocolate crackers dancing around my head like puppets on strings. "I'll be there in an instant. I've been cooped up in the house so long, I'm beginning to feel flatter than a week-old glass of coke," I complained, hastily slipping on my sneakers. Just the thought of those hot, delicious cookies made my fingers tingle, and my breath deepened as if I was already inhaling the fragrance of the coffee shop.

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