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"See ya two later! Come back safely!" Naruto's and Hinata's friends that could come showed up to wish them good luck and to not get killed. "We will! Believe it!" Naruto yelled back as he waved goodbye as he was walking backwards having a huge grin on his face. Hinata smiled as she couldn't believe their mission is now starting and they get to be together for who knows how long. She blushed at the thought as well but surprisingly not a hard blush. "Well, Hinata. It's just you and me! Ready to have some fun?" Naruto asked her with a cheery attitude. He held his hands behind his head and was walking facing forward. "H-Hai!" Hinata squeaked out as she tried to look determined towards Naruto. "That's the spirit! Now come on!" Naruto yelled as he started to run ahead making Hinata gasp before running after him. "W-Wait for me, N-Naruto-Kun!" Hinata shouted to him which only made him laugh with playfulness. Hinata couldn't help but laugh as well as she chased after him with joy making her feel like a little kid.

       They soon stumbled upon a pond that was fairly big, big enough to fit 10 Choji's! They decided to set up camp here for the time being since they were getting tired from walking. Looking to the sky it was getting orangish and yellowish indicating the sunset. "You picked a great spot to set up camp Hinata!" Naruto complimented as he looked around the oak forest as some leaves started to fall from the leaves and onto the ground. The sounds of nature consisting of the squeaky squirrels, the flapping of birds wings, and the splashing of fish in the stream. "A-Arigatou, N-Naruto-Kun..." Hinata said timidly as she set down her bag and sat on a nearby tree stump with mushrooms and moss growing on it. A few ants scurried up and down the log but nothing she wasn't afraid of, because of, well, because her teammate specializes in bugs.

       "I'll set up the tent while you get resources for the fire okay?" Naruto asked and Hinata just nodded in understanding. She began to walk away as Naruto started to grumble how hard this is going to be, to which she giggled at.

       Hinata was halfway done with collecting wood, she carried twigs, branches, and some sticks. When she went to grab a stick as she saw eyes examining her it felt like. When she looked behind herself she didn't see anything but a dense forest. She frowned when she felt uncomfortable, so to ease her needs she activated her special ability. "Byakugan!" She proclaimed and everything felt closer, she looked all around her. She found nobody to her surprise, she turned off her ability before taking what she had back to camp where Naruto was.

       As she got there she saw that Naruto set up the tent that they had, he had a huge smile on his face and his eyes were closed. "Yes! I did it!" Naruto yelled excitedly, this made the young Kunoichi blush as she thought how cute he was. "I-I brought the s-sticks.." Hinata said as she got closer to him, "Eh? Oh, hey Hinata! Ok, you can put those over there as there is a clearing" Naruto ordered and she nodded setting down the sticks.

       Hinata felt eyes on her again and when she turned to the source, all she saw was vines, trees, and bushes. She was getting to be freaked and creeped out by this and started to even get a little scared. No, she should be strong! You shouldn't be weak! She looked to Naruto and slightly smiled. Especially in front of Naruto Hinata thought as she looked to the ground.

       She then straightened out and walked to put the supplies on the ground, and started to make a twig Tepee just like she was taught in Wilderness Survival. "Seems like your all done. That's great! So am I!" Naruto joyfully said as he helped in putting our supplies in our tent in an orderly fashion. Not like him at all. Well at least he is being a good teammate Hinata thought with a smile as she smiled at him wholeheartedly.

       The fuzzy feeling in Naruto's chest returned as he spotted her small and cute smile. Why does she always have to be so cute? Naruto questioned as he tilted his head. "O-Oh.. Naruto-Kun... H-Have you ever n-noticed eyes w-watching you as you w-worked?" Hinata questioned as she wanted to make sure that they weren't being followed and it was just her nerves acting up. "Um.... No, not that I believe so. Why do you ask? Did something happen? Has anyone been following you? If so tell me who and I will take care of them" Naruto said putting on a determined face. "A-Ahh! No! I-It's f-fine really! I w-was just c-curious.." Hinata sheepishly smiled as she tried to reassure Naruto.

       "Oh! Ok! Well if anything changes, just let me know and I'll be there to assist you no matter what" Naruto calmed down and smiled at her to reassure her worries he's there for her. "A-Arigatou Naruto-Kun" Hinata said thankful for his kind words and his protectiveness towards her. She blushed at that before leaning her head down with a smile to look at something that's not Naruto's eyes for if she stared to long she would die from how good they look.

       "Well I'm going to get ready for bed, and so should you Hinata. We have a long day ahead of us and wouldn't want to waste it" Naruto proclaimed stretching his right arm up and bringing his left behind to grab the upper part of his right arm to stretch on his tippy toes before relaxing and walk-in towards the tent. Hinata nodded as she also walked towards the tent and grabbed her night products before walking to the water so she can examine herself while she brushed her teeth and did her skin and hair care. Naruto also walked over as he just brushed his teeth and splashed water on his face to get and dirt or grin off before turning back and walking back towards the tent that was well lit inside.

They started unpacking their nightly beds so they could curl up inside and dream blissfully. Hinata was just unraveling her sleeping bag and laid it down when she saw Naruto having a little of a hard time unraveling his bag. She giggled as she walked over and carefully took the bag and moved the strings before waving the sleeping bag out in front of her before slowly landing it on the ground.

       "Oh. Arigatou, Hinata" Naruto said with a smile as he scratched the back of his head. "N-No problem" Hinata answered with a smile, they went back to unpacking and since the tent was somewhat small their bags were like right next to each other. Hinata smiled thinking it would be nice to sleep next to Naruto but bad not wanting him to get the wrong idea. She just shrugged it off before taking off her outer clothes but leaving on her pants and fishnet mesh shirt under her jacket. Naruto wore his blue shorts and the same type of shirt like Hinata's under his jacket to bed.

       "Good night, Hinata" Naruto said flashing her a smile as she felt warm seeing his smile. "G-Good night, N-Naruto-Kun" Hinata replied back as she turned off the lanter hanging from above before laying on the sleeping bag and closing her eyes drifting off to sleep.

       It was in the middle of the night when Hinata woke with a start as she felt something wrap around her. She got frightened thinking it was a snake or something dangerous so she carefully looked down. What she saw confused her, "Arms?" She questioned as she followed where the arms led and to her surprise it led to her friend, Naruto who was right up next to her. He had his face buried into her back slightly as his eyebrows furrowed into a discomfort looking way. He held a giant frown and would sometimes grit his teeth as if he was experiencing something horrid.

       His legs seemed to curl up under the bag from what Hinata could make out in the darkness but she wasn't too sure. He looks so adorable, almost like a scared little kid wanting to sleep with his mom because of a horrible dream Hinata smiled at that thought as she turned herself so she was facing Naruto and his head was on her chest. "H-H-Hinata..." Naruto grumbled as he  hugged her tighter than before surprising the young ninja. "Nanda?" (What?) Hinata questioned as she was confused as he said her name. "Please don't go, Hinata. Please" Naruto said as tears started to come out of his eyes as her heart started to shatter at the sight. Quickly she wrapped her left arm around his back and the other on his hair as she started to caress his hair trying to calm him down.

       "Shh, Shh, it's okay Naruto-Kun. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere not at I ever going to abandon you. It's okay..." Hinata soothed him and it seemed to work

       His tears stopped leaving his eyes and he loosened his grip. His eyebrows relaxed and his frown turned into a slight smile as he now. "A-Arigatou, H-Hinata-Chan" Naruto thanked as he then fell into a peaceful slumber then. Hinata was thankful for her quick thinking and she went back to sleep, Naruto still aroubd her and in her arms.

Okay that's all for today! Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you have a nice rest of your day!
Dino out.

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