Chapter 13

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Perrie P.O.V

Smirking as I watch Jesy look at Leigh over the dinner table, playing with her pasta and biting her lip nervously. I look to Jade and see her watching Leigh as well but with a matching smirk like me, maybe we should play cupid and get them to confess their feelings. 

"So Jess, now you are single are you ready to mingle?" Jade asks wiggling her eyebrows whilst we played footsie under the table.

"I am not too sure, I think I need time to figure out what I want from now on. I obviously want us to become successful but what do I want in a relationship and what type of person do I want? I need to be able to distinguish these things before I move too fast and ruin it" she answers before eating her dinner.

"And that is why you are seen as the adult of our band. Intelligent and still hilarious, when you are ready people will be practically sprint to your door to have you as their girl. Maybe some time is good, but don't leave it too long otherwise people will think you have lost interest" I tell her, careful not to make any hints or hesitations.

We finish our dinner then head for the lounge where Leigh sets up a movie and we lie down on the sofas, Jade and I on the largest with her lying on me where as Leigh and Jesy just sit next to each other but were still quite close. Once the movie starts, I rub my thumbs on Jade's hips and wrap a leg around hers before I look over at the other two girls and see Leigh has gone to lean into Jesy's chest, getting comfortable and lying against her. Smiling, I shake my head and snuggle down deeper on the sofa, pulling Jade closer if that was even possible.

Jade P.O.V

Hearing laughter, I open my eyes and look around to only realize I am on the sofa with the three girls look down at me which was freaky by itself but with them laughing, there was no hope.

"What have you done?" I ask as I pick up my phone and see that it is eight in the morning, I must have fell asleep on Perrie during the film last night.

"Why do you think we have done something, where is the trust babe?" Perrie asks crossing her arms and pouting cutely to which I laugh and shake my head.

Jesy and Leigh break out into laughter as they look at me once more, frowning I get up the front camera on my phone and see that they have used face paint or sharpie and have drawn all over my face as well as writing things that were too inappropriate to comprehend.

"Who was the ring leader of this?" I ask quietly but with seriousness behind it, pointing to my face with a raised eyebrow.

"Jesy, she thought you looked too cute this morning and we needed payback due to you eating all the biscuits we had" Leigh says shrugging before giggling as Jesy was now holding Perrie down and drawing a penis on her cheek leading to her mouth.

"Jess, get off her, you know that isn't her thing anyway. Also, what did you use on my face?" I ask her interested in how I am going to clean this off without leaving a trace.

She looks around the room and picks up the Sharpie Perrie had hit out her hand and managed to escape from.

"The sharpie, Leigh has the whole rainbow range so we could do many designs but you are a light sleeper so it was hard to do anymore. We were going to do you a sleeve of biscuits but you woke up" she says smirking.

Shaking my head, I walk to the bathroom and grab the face scrub, using it to try and get off the sharpie but realizing there was no escape of this ink on my skin. Perrie walks in and tries it as well but sees that it isn't working either. Using every soap, we only manage to make it fade so put on thick, natural skin colour foundation in the hope it would at least cover some of the pen before heading back into the lounge where the two girls were busy playing on the Xbox, killing one another with weird guns.

"You two are like kids, I swear you two are meant to be the elders who look after us but are more like the bullying older sisters" Perrie tells them as she reaches for a crisp in the bowl that sat upon Leigh's lap however the said girl slaps her hand away before holding the control with that hand and carrying on.

Knowing nothing will come out of this, we head upstairs and get dressed then head back downstairs. 

"We are going to the park and getting a meal, is there anything you want brought back for lunch or dinner maybe?" I ask as they were deeply into this strange game and munching on high salt level snacks.

It takes them until game over shows on the screen to turn around and look at us.

"Maybe something from McDonalds, I want a greasy meal. I need the carbohydrates and fatty goodness" Leigh practically moans before shoving her mouth full of crisps.

"I will have the same, can you also pick up some sandwich things for dinner. Oh actually scrap the dinner idea, I just remembered we have a meeting with management and Simon tonight. We are having a meal and talking about an upcoming tour. Try to fix the sharpie problem" Jesy tells us.

"Oh great" Perrie says before we head out the house and into my car.

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