Chapter 14

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Four Years Later

Perrie P.O.V

I look at my wife, dressed in dungarees with her hair in two pony tails, I laugh as our son chases her around the garden with a paintbrush in hand covered in a green paint.  Jesy and Leigh were fetching us drinks whilst their boyfriends, James and Lucas, paint the fence which our son wanted to join in on. It was a usual Sunday for us, we would meet up at least once every two weeks with our other halves and children, to have a meal together. Today it was a BBQ in the Jerrie household. 

"Babe, help me" Jade yells.

I laugh and run after Alex, he was grinning as he chases his mam, I quickly swoop down and take him in my arms before he could catch up but then he swoon splashes the paint brush across my cheeks so there is green all over them. He laughs to himself before I pick up the brush and put it across his forehead, "Mammy, no!" he yells then tries to get the brush back but I soon feel a brush across my back so turn to face Leigh-Anne.

"Alex, wanna help Mammy?" i ask.

He nods eagerly as I pass him back the brush then take one of my own, we soon start to chase Leigh-Anne around the garden but then the others join in and it becomes a painting war.

Jade P.O.V

Perrie had become so much more independent strong woman over the years, she had had hurdle after hurdle to get over but she did it and didn't expect anyone to do it for her. We decided to have a baby together after six months of the promise ring, due to where we were in our mind states, I decided to have the child from a sperm doner.  We married three months after he was born then moved to a house fit to raise a family. Perrie wanted to have a child of her own so we decided that when Alex turned five we would try to have another. 

Our music career was halted for a few years but when we talked to Simon he offered us a reunion to take place so we were to go on tour soon which was sold out on the first day of the tickets being launched. When the all out paint war finished, I see the blonde turn and face me with a mischievous grin on her lips, I shake my head but she was already on her way towards me. She bends down slightly then wraps her hands around my waist before running to our swimming pool and throwing me in with her. 

We come above water to find Alex now jumping in, "I coming to save you Mamsy" he yells, he didn't want to call me the same thing as Perrie so decided on the name 'Mamsy' which made many confused. He swims as fast as he can then soon joins them in the middle of the pool before lunging at Perrie who picks him up then chucks him in the air so he lands in the water.

Later that day

I lay in bed beside my beautiful wife and smile as she slow kisses the knuckles on both of my hands, being gentle as she makes her way across the back of my hands, her lips never quite leaving my skin.

"You are amazing" she mutters as well as other compliments.

I smile, blush a little even, then place a chaste kiss on her cheek, "You are everything" I reply.

"I went to the hospital to see if  I can have a baby" she tells me.

I take in a small breath, worried the worst news will leave her lips, "What did they say?" I ask.

"They said I could. I know you really wanted another and I couldn't wait  to tell you so I went through the procedure with the same donation as last time and waited till my doctors appointment that took place yesterday to see if it was successful" Perrie explains.

"What happened?" I ask even more nervous.

Her smile was like the brightest start in the sky, something that only happened when Alex was born, "We are having another baby" she whispers.

I smile and kiss her with as much passion as I could show through such a small yet meaningful action, "I can't wait. We will have to tell the others soon. You really are perrifect" I tell her.

She shakes her head and nudges her head into my neck, "Only you" she says in reply.

Perrie P.O.V

Life was a tough place, not everyone survived it, but I was lucky I did. I fought battles to be where I am today and I would give anything for Jade and I to remain how we are today. We have two best friends who mean the world to us and a son that I would give my life for. No matter what, do not ever give up fighting, do not ever give up on life as someone like Jade will come along to aid you through life. I won this battle and now it is time to enjoy my reward.

I am sorry that this took so long and is probably disappointing but I left this too long and couldn't get back into it. 

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