Chapter 3

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Jade P.O.V
I walk into hospital with Leigh and get seated in the waiting area, "Do you think she is upset with me? I over reacted with the the whole Steph thing, I should have been more open and accepting of the idea" I voice my thoughts to Leigh who sits and listens to them. "Look, we all make decisions too quickly and sometimes we may slip up and voice them, it's human nature, Jade. you were also trying to do the best for her in your opinion and wanted to keep her safe which is understandable after all that Perrie has gone through" Leigh answers calmly, I nod and hear my name getting called. "Jade, that's you, time to get that hand seen to" Leigh says and walks me to the room we are getting seen in.

After an hour of explaining, x-raying and putting a cast on we are finally out and freedom is ours! We walk to Leigh's car and drive home, I get out her car and walk into the house. I notice it was really quiet except a TV was on. I walk to the sound and see Jesy watching TV but wasn't paying attention. She was staring at it with no emotion and was holding her hands together tightly. "You okay? What happened?" I ask. "Promise you won't get angry or annoyed at me" she says, "I can't promise as I don't know what you have done" I say crossing my arms impatiently and rocking on my heels. "It's not really my fault anyway, I tried all I could and it didn't work" she says and I see small tears in her eyes, what the hell happened while we were gone? "Just tell me Jess" I say in a calm and gentle voice.

"Perrie left" she says quickly, "Um what?" I say hoping it was a mistake of the tongue or she was joking, "Perrie left, I did all I could to persuade her not to go but she left, she said she wanted to fix herself with family. she doesn't want to drag us down and thought we thought she was annoying and couldn't stand her, she didn't feel she was good enough for you while broken so wanted to fix it" Jesy explains. I nod and feel weak, she could have told me how she felt, I thought we were going to tell each other everything, no matter what. I feel anger and sadness fill me.

"She said she will be back after she is fixed" Jesy further explains. "I don't care Jess. she promised me she wouldn't leave, she woke up making me promise to never leave her and here she is leaving me. Was it a one way promise! Did it not apply to her?!" I shout now the anger was seeping through and dominating the sadness I was feeling so all I felt was anger. "Jade, she is doing this for you, she wants to make you happy and to do that she believes she must make and fix herself to be better" Leigh says now joining in. "No! She is pushing me away! She lied! I need her, when she isn't here I am weak and I just need her to feel strong! She is amazing how she is, I can help her, she didn't have to go away. she doesn't need fixing, she is perfect! She promised she would never leave!" I shout now breaking down in tears, I feel Jesy and Leigh pull me in for a hug and try to comfort me but it's not Perrie.

I need Perrie.

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