Chapter 10

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Jade P.O.V

After a couple of months, the doctors allow Perrie to leave the hospital but only if she rests, get the right food and sleep. I wake up to feel the cold, sitting up I see the reason why is that Perrie has managed to wrap the duvet around her legs and rolled so it twisted around her and stole the cover off me. I smile as she moves to get comfortable, I try to unwrap the cover but her hold is so strong that is seems that every time I try she just gets a tighter hold. Looking to my left, I see it's eight thirty in the morning, I shrug and stand up onto the soft carpet and stretch until I hear the satisfying click of my bones. I walk over to the chair next to the dressing table and collect my dressing gown, putting it on for more warmth I quietly creep out the room and down the stairs.

Once I am down the stairs I head to the kitchen and start cooking breakfast, a full English each will full our stomachs. I then walk over to the kettle and set it to boil after pouring water in, I then get the coffee things out the cupboard above the sink and place them on the side ready. After doing so, I put some bread in the toaster and wait for it all to be ready, after half an hour I plate up the food and make two coffees and make sure it is to perfection. Placing it all on two trays, I balance them on my hands and walk up the stairs carefully and to our bedroom where I sneak but she is already sat up in bed looking around confused but her face lightens up once she sees me. "I missed you, Jadey" she says pouting, "I missed you as well, I thought that you would want breakfast in bed. Full English, toast and a coffee to fill that tum of yours" I say making her smile excited for the food. 

I gently pass her the tray that had a large P on, I sit down next to her and place my tray on my lap before digging in with the cutlery I placed on the tray before I picked the trays up back in the kitchen. "This is heaven, you are the best at making food" she says happily munching on bacon with beans. "Why thank you babe. How is everything today?" I ask her in a caring tone, she stops eating and looks over at me. "Perfect, how could it not be. I am with the person I love, with people who care about me and eating food that was made, as it seems, by angels!" she practically shouts over joyed. I laugh in response and kiss her cheek, "Just keep being adorable and more things will be happening today" I promise her making her grin and her dimples to show. "What are we doing today?" she asks me interested in today's plan. "We, my dear, are going to the beach with our band mates. We are going to enjoy some time off at the beach and some how Leigh is going to cook us some food on the BBQ" I tell Perrie who grins and finishes her breakfast. 

We arrive at the beach to see Jesy trying her hardest to set up a tent and Leigh trying to put the BBQ together. I pick our beach bag out the car and take a hold of Perrie's hand, swinging it lightly as we stroll to Jesy and Leigh. "You two need a hand?" I ask the two struggling girls as we reach them and place the bag down. "Yeah we can do, do any of you know how to set up a tent?" Jesy asks us, "I used to set up tents every summer when my mam took me to the beach" I say, "I will help Leigh" Perrie says and skips over to the tanned girl and helps her find the instructions. "I guess you just put this in here and then over there" Jesy tells me, I shake my head and look through the bag that once held the contents of the tent to find the instructions which I pass to her. "I may not have saw those" she says playfully snatching them off me and get's to building it properly. I hear a crash so turn around and see the BBQ halfway down the beach and the legs its meant to be on stuck in the ground neatly. "What the hell?"  I ask laughing at the two girls who look at me innocently trying not to giggle. "Sometimes it's better not to ask about things" Leigh says and runs after the BBQ that seagulls were investigating. 

After ten minutes we manage to set up both the BBQ and tent, we smile at our work and sit down outside the tent on a blanket. "What shall we do now?" Jesy asks us, "We can go swimming, it's quite hot" Leigh suggests. "Then we better put sun cream on, especially on Perrie" I say and get it out my bag. Perrie groans and turns around so her back faces me so I can rub into the sun cream now that she is in her bikini like the rest of us. I make sure she is covered then grab her hand and race down the beach with her trying to catch up laughing at me. We reach the sea and stop quickly, "It's going to be cold, Perrie can you go test it?" I ask, "No way, you test it" she complains. "Or you both can" Leigh says and we are both pushed into it face first. We stand up and see Jesy with Leigh whistling looking up and pretending they are innocent, me and Perrie share a knowing glance then run after them. Managing to catch them, we wrap our wet cold bodies around them and drag them to the sea where we pull them in making them glare at us in return.

Perrie P.O.V

We swim around for an hour and a half then head back to shore and to our little campsite as Leigh kept calling it. We dry off and change into shorts and crop tops or vest tops with bare feet and our hair up. We sit and talk as Leigh starts cooking us food on the BBQ, "What are we doing tomorrow?" I ask Jade, she looks at me and puts on her thinking face. "How about we go Nando's, have a meal then go to that park you told me about that time we were in bed, it holds fond memories for you so why not visit it again?" she suggests. "In case I go back and the memories change, I will have ruined the good memories I have left from my childhood" I tell Jade, she shakes her head and kisses my lips, "or we will make new ones" she whispers upon my lips and then kisses my nose and back to my lips. 

Sorry I havn't updated in ages, had no ideas to what to write. Check out my zerrie and pesy story as well, it would mean a lot haha :) xx

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