Chapter 6

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Perrie P.O.V

It has been two weeks since I have been brought to my step families house, I have had a beating every day for revenge just because they beat me before and the girls encouraged me to tell the police so they are after my step dad and his family now. Ryan walks in to my small room which has faded yellow walls and beige flooring, "Lunch" he grumbles and places a plate on the floor then slams the door shut. I shuffle over to it and see its just a piece of bread and half a glass of water, dinner was probably just going to be a ham sandwich again.

After finishing lunch I leave the plate near the door and walk over to the window which has wooden shutters but were locked shut, guess they didn't want me to somehow jump out of a two story cottage and run away whilst having no injuries, as believable as that sounds. I don't actually have a bed so I sleep on a thin mattress and three sheets with no pillow, guess you can't ask for luxury when it's people who hate you and are trapping you inside their cottage. "Perrie, seems your little friends don't care enough to save you, not even your pathetic girlfriend who is meant to love you no matter what, she can't help you, no matter how hard you pray for her to come and save you she will never come to help you" he laughs and picks the plate up to only turn and chuck it at my leg but takes the glass that once held my water and walks out.

Jade P.O.V

I am currently sat in the sofa, glaring at all pictures on my phone of Perrie and me, how could she leave me on my own, I may have the other two girls but they aren't her, I love Perrie so much and she just left, I could have helped her with her problems. "Oh my gosh, Jade! I forgot to give you the letter Perrie wrote before she left, I was meant to give it you a couple weeks ago, a week after her leaving to be exact" Jesy says jumping out her seat and to the bookshelf where she pulls out a biography by Justin Bieber and reveals an envelope. "No one reads this except Leigh and she doesn't even read anymore, lazy girl" Jesy says then passes the envelope to me.

I look at the other two who nod me to go on, I open the envelope and see a folded piece of paper so open it to see a letter. I read it slowly and carefully as I don't want to miss a thing. Jade, I am sorry for everything. When I was little many things never went right for me. Love was the main area of concern I guess. My father only showed me why I should not love, how to abuse love and make it the worst enemy known to man. He would abuse me and tell me how no one can love someone as broken as me. He said my heart was way beyond broken, it was dust that could never be fixed together again. He left and remarried which only meant double the beatings as now there was his wife and then his son joined in as if it was a family event. Yes, my mother did show me love but when you are so far broken, love only makes you scared and terrified as to what is to come. When you told me you loved me for the first time, I cracked for a few seconds, the dust particles of my heart joined but there was still little tiny cracks vulnerable but it was still holding together just for you, you are the only thing I have ever loved that I can remember, everything you do Jade is amazing. After Stephanie, the cracks on my heart got stronger, deeper and thicker, they began to join to together and create shatters, like when a rock is chucked at glass and doesn't smash but one touch could break it all. That is how I felt after the whole Steph accident, as if I could not be around anyone who showed me love because I was scared of things to come. I am weak, vulnerable and unworthy of the love you give, I am only leaving you as I need to fix these cracks so I can become a better person for you and be able to love you as much as you love me, I only love a little less as I have no idea how strong love is and am scared of it at full potential, I do know that I can never love something as much as I love you. I was always asked when I was in primary school, out of one to ten how much do you love this? Well when people ask me now I say I love it like ten because Jade is the highest love I have or could give. I am sorry for my leave Jade, when I come back I will be repaying you till my last breath, even then I will be doing some thing to make this up to you, I love you Jade, do not forget that x

I look up from the paper with tears in my eyes, Jesy and Leigh take the paper and read it then look at me, "Jade, this is evidence she still loves you, why can't you see?" Jesy asks, "I do see now, Jess. I need to go see her and tell I want to be the one to fix her, no matter what I want to help her" I say. "Good girl, now we are going with you as Leigh is our driver and I am not leaving you two on your own" Jesy says showing her muscles then walking us upstairs to pack some clothes in to smallish suitcases. After packing we go Leigh's car and place all the stuff in her boot then get in the car, Jesy riding shotgun. 

After three hours we get to South Shields and Perrie's mams house, we park outside and then get out the car, walking up to the door then knocking. Perrie's mam answers the door and stares at us, "Hey girls. Where is Perrie? she asks, we look at one another confused, "What are you on about, she came to see you" Leigh says,. "Yeah that did happen but I sort of had a fight with her and she left. I thought she went back to you lot" she says. "What did you fight over? If you don't mind me asking" Jesy says, "It was over her taking drugs, I guess I never realized how bad it was for her. I got so angry as her step father used to take them and it made him that little more violent so he would hurt her more" she says looking down at the floor. "Did you see her leave?" I ask, "No, she got a taxi I think, I think it was the normal one we get, let me get the number" she says and walks away then comes back with a piece of paper. "Try this, maybe they can help you. Tell me as soon as you know" she says, "Will do Debbie" Jesy says and we walk back to Leigh's car and sit in there. 

Jesy uses the paper and her mobile and rings up the number, she stays on for a couple of minutes, nibbling her nail at points, she finally puts the phone down and then looks at us. "They said they sent a new worker to drive her to us, they both didn't return. The driver however has a GPS tracker on his phone, the guy was able to track the driver down to a small town like village where he remained stationary for a long time. Maybe we can visit there" Jesy says, "Yeah sure, wait we should tell Debbie" I say, "You go tell her while we find it on the map " Jesy says, I nod and run up to the front door where Debbie talks to me and I tell her about what we found out. "The bloody man always loved it there, that horrible step dad of Perrie's, my ex-husband said he grew up there and it was like heaven to him apparently" she says, my eyes widen and I gasp, "You don't think he has something to do with this, do you?" I ask, "Oh god, hopefully not. I would go with you but my mother is in hospital, my boss will give me the sack and I trust you with my daughters life. Please help her" her mother says, I nod and run to the girls. "Get to that village as fast as you can, Perrie is probably in a lot of danger, I can't lose her again" I say with tears on my cheek.

Also remember to check out my newest fanfic, back to school,  I am trying to make my fics better so please comment and vote so I know if I am doing okay. If i recieve some more comments and votes I will update faster as I will know if people actually like this :) x

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