Chapter 7

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Perrie P.O.V

I sit on the floor shaking, shivering and rocking backwards and forwards. The pain was growing, everyone has given up on, no one cares for me. Ryan walks in and sighs while looking at me, "Perrie, you are pathetic, Jade doesn't love you. She is moving on with her life. You screwed up, she is gone" he says and places a plate of bread and butter in front of me, "Eat, you need energy and not to die from starvation" he says. I slowly pick the bread up and nibble at the edges, Ryan sits next to me on the mattress, "You did this to yourself, I have no sympathy for you. You angered dad and made him do this, you annoyed all our real family. Jade sees what you really are, that is why she left you Perrie. You are not worth the skin you are in, there are better people out there that deserve a life than you. You are not good enough for this world or anyone's love, look I'm doing you a favour here" he says and places a ong sharp knife on the floor next to the mattress. "You can do what's right or just live a lie and hurt more people. Think of all those people you have upset and are dragging down, what a relief it would be if you just ended the problem" he says patting my shoulder and walking out. I look down at the knife and shuffle towards it, was he right? Should I end it? Who cares? No one.

Jade P.O.V

Leigh drives as fast as she can down motorways, roads and dual carriage ways. "What if we are too late?" I ask, "Jade, believe. She has to be okay. She is a fighter" Jesy says rubbing my hand. I nod and take a deep breath, she has to be okay. We stop halfway due to Leigh dying of a full bladder and the car running out of petrol, we do all this as fast as we can but Jesy's eyes widen when she stares at the car. "Um, the tyre has a puncture" she says biting her lip. "NO! What the hell are we going to do now? We are in the middle of no where!" I shout.

Perrie P.O.V

I stare at the knife, slowly leaning forward and picking it up, turning it in my hands and staring at the long sharp blade of it, sharp enough to cut meat, flesh, skin. I gulp and run it along my wrist to see how sharp it was, a trail of blood and cut flesh is left behind the blade of destruction, the blade to decide whether I leave this life or not. I feel myself shaking, I remember the times with Jade and the girls, how they helped me with everything. If they really loved me they would have saved me by now, maybe they hate me now, well I know Jade probably does and my mam is pissed at me. I take my top off and steady my hands, I place the knife lightly on my stomach, my plan is to stab my stomach then chest, then I know I will die. I want to stop disappointing people. I want to stop causing pain. I want to stop living. I want out.

Jade P.O.V

After half an hour, we are finally on the road again. Luckily a recovery truck pulled in for petrol so helped change the Tyre for us. "We only have twenty minutes left before we get there, be ready. This is an abusive family. I will ring the police as soon as we get there, they can help" Jesy says, "Okay Jess" I say, she turns in her seat and stares at me for a good minute. "It will be okay" she says, "Don't give me fake hope, I don't want it" I say. She nods and sighs, "If she is hurt I will make sure they get everything going for them, I will wipe the smirk off that Ryan's face" she says, I smile and laugh a little, "I will help you all the way" Leigh says to which I nod in agreement.

Perrie P.O.V

I look at my paler skin, Ryan walks in suddenly and chuckles, he comes closer and strokes my cheeks, "Good girl, it will all be over soon. Everyone will be grateful, they will love you once you die. Dad and Mum may even start loving you. Jade will be so happy and proud of you" he says, whispering the last part in my ear then kisses my temple. "You are doing so well" he whispers and walks out, I smile as I think of how people will begin to love me once I die. How they will love me when I push this knife into me. I smile as I remember the times I had with Jade, when we made love, held each other, watched Disney and how her eyes would hold such excitement and love for them. How she would have a signature grin when she saw her favourite biscuits or knew she did something wrong. The days we would walk along the beach, sharing kisses, talking about sweet nothings and how we would marry, how she would kiss up my shoulders and whisper how much she loved me. She will love me now.

Jade P.O.V

We finally get into the town, "Two minutes, we are so close" Leigh says and starts going a little fast, "I hope we get there in time, we do not know what they are doing to her" I say. "The police are on their way, they said they will take ten minutes at the most" Jesy says. We arrive outside a cottage, "Are you ready?" Leigh asks, "More than ready, I want my girl back. She probably thinks I hate her, she is most likely tearing herself apart thinking I have stopped loving her" I say. "Come on, let's go bring back Jerrie love!" Jesy shouts opening the door but its locked. "Leigh, when I make an amazing speech. OPEN THE DOOR!" she shouts, "Stop joking around, I need Perrie" I say unlocking the door and jumping out and running to the cottage door.

Perrie P.O.V

I block the world out as I place both hands on the knifes handle and put it three inches away from my stomach, I have stopped shaking and have grown more confident. I hear a car pull up and banging on the door, probably Ryan's mates again, I look down at the knife and smile a little. "To make you proud Jade, I love you" I say then slam the knife into my stomach causing me to feel great pain and agony. "Time for the last stab" I say pulling the knife out slowly, everything growing fuzzy around me now. I hear people running up the stairs, I ignore this and place my hands on the knife, holding it away from my chest. The door slams open and I hear my name being shouted and screaming before the knife is kicked out my hands and someone lies me down. They shake me and try to wake me but my eyes and fuzzed up so much I can not make out who it was or even hear, I hope it's Jade so I speak my last words.

Five Minutes Earlier

Jade P.O.V

The door finally opens to the cottage, her dad and Ryan standing and glaring at us. I barge past them and Jesy punches Ryan in the face while Leigh kicks Perrie's step dad in the privates then grabs a scarf from the coat hooks and ties it tightly around his wrist so both were knocked out or tied up. Her step mam walks out and stares at the scene, "The police are already on the way, I wouldn't make this worse for yourself" I say, she nods and walks back into the lounge. "Where is she?" I ask her step dad, "In a room upstairs, good luck finding her before she decides to do something, before she has a sharp decision" he chuckles, my eyes widen and I run up the stairs with the others behind me, we look in every room. After a few short seconds Leigh shouts and we come to a locked door. I grab the small table holding a vase in the hallway and slam it against the handle so the door slams open, we run inside shouting Perrie's name. I scream when I see Perrie about to stab herself in the chest, I see blood already leaving her body, she must have stabbed her stomach. Jesy runs and kicks the knife out her hand and then we lay her down. I hold her head in my lap while Jesy rings an ambulance and Leigh starts trying to stop the blood pouring out her by holding Perrie's top to the stab wound.

Perrie chokes a little, "Shh" I say stroking her forehead, "Are you proud of me Jade. Do you love me now?" she coughs out and her eyes close. I stare at her confused, scared and full of guilt. Did she think I hated her that much? "I have always been proud of you, I have never stopped loving you" I say kissing her face with tears running down my face and falling on her head. The door opens again and paramedics run in.


Hope you like this, I am sorry for not writing this faster. Will Perrie survive? Is this the end? I will hopefully update this week again, keep voting and commenting :) xx

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