Chapter 2

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Jade P.O.V

I wake up and watch Perrie mumble unheard words and frantically move next to me in our bed. I turn to my bedside clock and see it was now only six thirty in the morning, I shake Perrie but she doesn't seem to want to wake. I stand up and walk around the bed till I get to her, I bend down and move the hair out her face, kissing her head gently then whispering her to wake, she turns on to her back and sits up straight gasping. "Jade, Jade?" she says searching the room until she sees me on the floor next to the side of the bed she is on. "Why are you there?" she asks confused, "You were mumbling and moving frantically" I say. She nods and pulls me back to bed next to her, she holds on to me tightly. "Jade, don't leave me" she whimpers, "I won't leave Perrie, I have told you this all the time you ask, I can't leave you Perrie as I will be leaving half of me behind" I say. She nods and places her chin on my shoulder, "I am sorry about this all Jade, I am trying to be stronger and more dependant on myself, not to wake you and annoy you but I am weak at the moment, I have experienced so many things that I can't even begin to understand them. I don't get why people can be so horrific and violent towards others like Stephanie" she says sounding desperate and confused, almost child like. "Perrie, people are like that because they could have had a bad upbringing, they could have had a horrific experience in their life or they just choose to be that way, we may never know why people are like Steph but we do know that you will get better, you will become Strong again so don't doubt yourself anymore" I tell her.

We fall asleep or another three hours before getting up and walking to the kitchen where I make us breakfast, I put the plate in front of Perrie and see her pale slightly. "You only have to eat what you can" I say, she nods and starts eating her bacon sandwich like me. She manages to eat about half of it before putting it down, I look down and see I have finished mine, "Maybe one more bite?" I ask, she nods and takes another bite before swallowing and pushing the plate away. "No more, it's really good but filling" she says, I sigh and pick her plate up then mine and tidy them up while she follows me to the kitchen. "Do you think we could go see Steph one day, we can take a police man in with us though if you want, I just want to know why she really did it, was I that bad of a person" she says, I feel anger rise in me, "NO! You will not go anywhere near her, she is not worth it! I don't want you near her and that is final!" I shout at Perrie furiously. Her eyes widen and her hands begin to shake, she nods slowly and walks away slowly but not before mumbling something, "I guess everyone is allowed to treat me like crap nowadays". I watch her leave then grow even angrier at myself and end up punching the wall with all my strength. I feel my wrist break and then my knuckles so I scream in pain and then break down crying.

I sit there on my own till I hear the front door open and see Jesy and Leigh walk in, they run towards me and then stare at my hand. "Jade, what happened to you?" Leigh asks, "I got angry, I took my anger out on the wall instead of Perrie" I laugh a little at the end. "Why? What happened?" Jesy asks, "Perrie asks to see Steph and ask why she did. I got angry because she doesn't need to know, Steph did it as she loved her and was jealous she wasn't in my place. There are no other reasons for it. I shouted at Perrie, I was furious, I shouted almost all my anger at her and she walked away thinking she deserved to be treated this way. I got angrier at myself and punched the wall" I say, I watch them stare at each other unsure about what to say. "Jade, I agree with you a little, it could go either way. It could make Perrie worse or give her some relief, you and Perrie have to sort this out between you, we can't do anything about it as its a problem between a couple. Now why don't Leigh take you hospital while I sort Perrie out, when you come home you can talk to Perrie about it" Jesy says, I nod and let Leigh take me to the hospital.

Jesy P.O.V

I walk up to Perrie's room and hear her crying, I knock on the door and hear no answer so push the door open slowly. Perrie was in the corner crying curled up tightly, I walk over and sit next to her. "Perrie, hun, it's Jesy" I say gently, she stays still crying now more quieter. "Pez, Jade has gone hospital with Leigh, I just want to talk" I say softly to see if she would feel more comfortable. "Why?" she croaks in her hoarse voice, "She got angry and punched a wall, damaging her hand" I reply. "She was angry with me, I was stupid and made her angry. I am annoying her, you can see it in her eyes, she's trying to hide it but the eyes can never lie. I don't want to see Steph anymore, it was a stupid idea" she says crying more. "No, you are getting this all wrong Perrie. She was angry mostly at herself, she was angry that she made you think you can be treated that way, that you deserved it. Leigh and I have already discussed that you and Jade need to sort out visiting Steph properly together and decide your choice just you two" I say. "She still thinks I am annoying, I think I need to sort somethings out on my own before I sort things out with her" she says standing up. "No, being on your own is the worse thing you can do now, it will make you worse" I say. "I meant I was going to go back yo my home town of South Shields and stay with family for a week or two, I need to make myself dependent and strong so I can then share it with Jade. I can't right now as I haven't even got myself stable yet" she tells me now getting a big bag out. "Perrie, Jade will not  cope either" I say, "She will have you and Leigh, I am not that big of a deal to stress out over, I am just Perrie" she says starting to pack. "NO PERRIE" I shout growing annoyed at her. "See, I have annoyed you as well, I need to learn to stop being an annoying blonde" she says more to herself then me finishing her packing and zipping the bag up. 

She makes sure she has everything then starts writing a letter to Jade then places it in an envelope and gives it to me, "After a week, hand her this, I think I will be at my home town for longer than a week now I know how bad I am. I know you three wanted to fix me but I am too hard to fix with just you three. Tell Jade I love her but don't tell her where I have gone, just say I have left to get better with old friends, try to make it sound as if they aren't the next Steph's" she says biting her lip. "You should be glad that Leigh isn't here to snap that elastic band on your wrist" I comment. She laughs a little and snaps it on herself instead, "I love you three, this is why I am doing it" she says. "Okay Perrie, if this is what you want then I won't stop you but just remember what you are leaving behind and how much the people care" I say. She stops in her tracks and stares at me then shakes her head, "This is for the best" she sighs and walks out and gets into a taxi which quickly drives away. How the hell am I going to explain this to Jade?

 I wasn't sure if anyone liked this sequel so was deciding to delete it  but I didn't in the end. Hope you enjoy this chapter! :) x

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