Chapter 8

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Jade P.O.V
I watch as the paramedics check over Perrie then strap her to the board and then carry her out the room. We all run after them and watch them place her in the ambulance. We walk over to the main paramedic and get his attention, "Can I go with her, she is my girlfriend" I say, he looks at me unsure then nods. "We are just going to the local emergency hospital, just follow us" he tells Jesy and Leigh.

We finally arrive at the hospital where Perrie is rushed into and taken down corridors into the emergency room. Leigh and Jesy walk over to me and we sit in the waiting area, being told to wait and will be informed when they know anymore. "She is a fighter. She will fight this battle and win like she does with everything else" Jesy tells me whilst holding me close to her, rubbing my arm to give me a little more comfort that I have lost since Perrie left.

After two hours a doctor walks over to us, a little blood on his uniform and his face not giving anything away. "Let's take this somewhere private" he says. We follow him to a room where he closes the door and sits behind a desk which we sit in front of. "When Perrie had arrived she had already lost so much blood. We were able to stop the bleeding and stitch and mend all the wounds and also fix any other injuries. We had to put her in a coma as it was the only way she was able to survive. She is alive but is hanging on by a thread, one panic attack, heart attack, anything like that even a seizure could set off a bigger impact and could end her life in a second. Because of this she is not allowed any visitors for a week, until we see a recovery and can see she is improving at least" he says folding his hands together. "But I need to see her. I need to know and I can only do that by seeing with my own eyes!" I shout in hysterics so the girls have to hold me tight. "You will just have to trust me, I can go as far as letting you see her through the window of the door to her room. Any further and it will only cause a risk to her, only certain doctors and nurses can see her as she is that fragile at the moment. You must understand that we are doing all we can for her, we know how much you love her, any one can. But we are doing all we can for her so you will have to be patient with us and let us do our job" the doctor says and leads us back to the waiting room.

After ten minutes a nurse comes out to see us, "You are allowed to see her through the window now, you can then leave as you will be no use out here. We will ring you once you can see her again" she says and walks us to the door. I look through and see her as pale as milk lying down straight on a bed with wires, tubes, pipes and needles in her. she looked weak and lifeless. "She looks so tired" Leigh comments, "We did an overall check and observation on her. She hadn't slept for at least three days. She suffered greatly whilst being take by her father was it? Well they abused her terribly, rarely fed her and when they did it was next to nothing. I think if I was treated that way I would have tried to use that knife and killed myself a lot earlier than her!" the nurse says almost in a joking manner to which we all glared at her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend" she says with her hands up in surrender. "Is this just one big joke to you! That is my girlfriend, have some fucking respect! She has been through too much to have some petty nurse joke about her and her experiences. Why don't you go and get some respect and come back when you learn to not fuck about on a job as serious and delicate as this!" I shout at her, she looks at the floor and nods slightly then walks away. "Who knew you could make someone so intimidated and scared of someone as cute as you. I bet Perrie is the only one who gets to see this fierce and dominating side!" Jesy laughs, I glare at her which makes her keep quiet and whistle lightly trying to play it off. "We might as well go home. No point in waiting here when we aren't going to see her for a week or longer. I just wish she recovers fast, I need to talk to her" I say.
If there are any errors or spelling mistakes I am sorry, this was written on my phone so I could update faster. Hope you are enjoying this x

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