Chapter 9

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One Month Later

Jade P.O.V

Perrie was weaker than they thought, we still aren't allowed to see her as far as we know, her step family are in prison for abuse and won't be out for ten years so there is justice for her. I have been breaking for the past month, the same words going around my head. "Are you proud of me, Jade. Do you love me now?" Perrie's words still haunt me, what did they do to her to make her believe that I didn't love her or wasn't proud. I want to show her as soon as she is out of hospital how much I love her and that she is worth so much to me.

I sigh after rolling around my bed for half an hour to only achieve getting caught up in the sheets and a bruise on my arm from bashing it against the wall in frustration. The bags under my eyes have developed more and I was yawning more often as it's so hard to sleep when your true love is hurt and you can't see them. I get up and walk to my wardrobe, pulling out some jogging bottoms and a vest top, I then grab a loose jacket of Perrie's and put them all on with some trainers and lightly dust on some make up to hide the tiredness.

I stumble downstairs and brush the knots out my hair and put it into a bun and walk into the kitchen where Jesy is making breakfast, Leigh was tidying the house and humming a song of some sort. "Good morning, Jadey. No sleep?" Leigh asks now she has finished the tidying, "Yeah, just rolling around and begging my body to give in to my tiredness" I sigh and sit on the sofa. Jesy walks in and hands me a plate of breakfast, I offer a smile and eat it slowly trying to finish the whole meal Jesy took time to make.

After breakfast I wonder upstairs and brush my teeth, staring into the mirror I sigh and see that not only am I more tired and weak but I have also lost some weight, not loads but a few pounds. "I need to stay strong for Perrie" I say quietly to my reflection. I jump when I hear my ring tone blaring in the background. I quickly run to the noise and pick up my phone whilst answering it.

"Hello, is this Jade? Perrie's girlfriend?" a female voice asks. "Yeah, who's calling?" I ask, "This is Jane, I have been Perrie's main nurse for the past weeks. She has gotten stronger and is fully awake. I thought I would tell you that you can visit her whenever you like since she is almost back to normal though she will be in pain when trying to sit up or lie down" she explains. "Okay, that is great news! I will be down as soon as I can get there!" I say and hang up

I run out the room and down the stairs to the lounge where Jesy and Leigh are watching Jeremy Kyle and eating nachos together. "We can see Perrie!" I say excited, they turn and look at me excited. The girls were affected by Perrie nearly dying just as much as me, we all love her like a sister. "Let's go now! What are we waiting for?" Jesy asks and is already halfway out the door with her jacket hanging off her shoulders and her boots not even done up but just slipped on. Leigh and I laugh running after her, this is the first time we have laughed or smile since Perrie has been in hospital.

We arrive at the hospital and park, "I don't understand why you have to pay for parking? I mean if you have just had an accident and are bleeding heavily you would want to get straight in but you would have to buy a ticket! What if I broke my arm again, I would go to run in but be like 'wait. I haven't paid for a ticket!' God it's stupid!" Jesy complains as we start walking to the hospital from the car park. "See you have two arguments against that now" Leigh says laughing. "Which is?" Jesy asks, "1- why would you drive with a broken arm or better off, how would you drive with a broken arm. 2- we have free health care, £3 just for parking isn't that bad, Jess" Leigh chuckles after telling her this. "You have a fair point" Jesy sighs but smiles once we reach the top of the hill and see the hospital entrance.

We walk in and to reception, the smell of the cleaning fluids and bleach made me scrunch my nose up, "We are here for Perrie Edwards" Jesy says to the receptionist. She looks us up and down then types the name into the computer, after a few seconds she looks back up at us. "She is in room 32, just follow the orange line on the floor and you will see some rooms. Just look for 32 and that should be her" she says. "Thanks" Leigh says and we walk to the hand gel dispenser and clean out hands then head down the corridor following the orange line like the yellow brick road in the wizard of oz.

After a minute or two we reach room 32, I nervously knock on the door then walk in with the other two close behind me. Perrie was on her bed that looked freshly made and was reading a book, now that is a surprise. We walk in and sit in the hard red plastic chairs closely next to her bed, "Yeah, I know. A surprise to see, me, Perrie Edwards, reading a book! What can I say? John Green is the best writer ever" she says and closes her copy of Looking for Alaska. "How are you doing? We haven't been able to visit for a month and little Jade here has been anxious to meet you" Leigh says. "I am alright, recovering in more than one way. I have a set up for each day really. Today is just visiting, tomorrow is rehab, doctor who is trying to discuss all that happened to me and another who is popping me pills like smarties and is trying to make me feel better about myself. Apart from all that crap, I am doing alright I guess" she says and smiles at us. "Um, your step family are in jail now, they were found guilty and will be there for some years" Jesy says. "That's good, don't want them to hurt anyone I suppose" she says and rubs her neck. "Did you want me to help place you pillows in to a more comfy position?" I ask, Yeah please, babe" she says. I blush and plump her pillows and place them so she could lean back on them, I notice she was just wearing a white crop top and loose grey shorts. 

After a few minutes a nurse walks in and smiles at us, she was older than us and had light brown hair with green eyes. She walks over to Perrie and hands her some tablets, "I am Jane, we spoke on the phone. Which ones the other half to Perrie's heart?" she asks. "Our little Jade here" Jesy says and pats my shoulder. "Well you two make a great couple, now Perrie, you have to have your last injection in an hour. Please try to sit still this time" she says in a gentle voice and walks out. "We will be here with you when you have it, that's if you want" I say. "That would be perfect, I accidentally flinched last time and they snapped the needle in me some how. They had to make a small cut and get it out" she says showing a very thin scar on her hand.

"So, are you healing well?" Leigh asks, "Yeah, look you lot don't have to be all awkward about it. What I did was wrong, I know. I did it as I was hopeless, I had nothing left for me. I was told over and over that no one loves me and that me living was only causing pain to everyone. My step dad and brother beat me and drilled into me that I was not worth the skin I am in. I was so depressed and alone that I had only one choice, end it and let you be proud that I had been strong enough to know that my death would lead to your happiness as I was annoying and not good enough for you" Perrie explains. I feel tears in my eyes and grab Perrie's hand. "No matter what, Perrie, I will love you till I take my last gasp of air even then I will love you when we are in heaven together. You are amazing Perrie, not good but amazing. I actually never found you annoying, you are perfect and the fact you can't see that makes me want to show you and that will be my mission for the rest of our lives. I will do anything for you, Perrie, I love you so much and it hurts to see you in pain" I say. She smiles and kisses my cheek, "We will get through this, I promise" she says smiling.

Check out my other book as well, it's Pesy and I have chapters saved so I can do updates whenever if I get some votes on it. I will try to update this one more as well :) Thank you for the votes and reads on all my other books as well, after this one is finished I will give you some choices of what next I should write as I have loads of books stored on my laptop that has at least ten chapters ready to upload.

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