RECAP- Kahani ab taq

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Mini is a total anti-love after her parents divorce. Her father had cheated and divorced her mother. She was 17 back then, but the realizing was not slow, that the father whom she wondered as her hero was actually a villain who left.

Her innocent and forbearing 'Babes' (mother) was debilitated in public, in front of her own eyes, by her own father. In those days of misery no one came to their aid. Even the only brother of Babita (mother) refused to shelter them.

As if the whole world turned it's head from Babita and Mini, they were left with nobody but each other.




The Purani Haveli in the Purani Haveli mohalla belonged to an inspector. Hanuman Singh, the kind owner, though had not rented the place, accepted both women as tenants.

But no matter where you live, a husband-less woman has no respect in the society. Mini had understood it quite early in her age. She strived to change the rule. She fought. She bawled at the dogmayic society and countered back the nasty comments that people tagged on her mother. She instilled in her mother the value of independence.

However the process turned her into a rock, with nothing to lose and no words to explain. She mastered the art of moving on (at least, that's what she thinks) After all, she had to look after her heart-broken mother as well.




Her mother's affection for the policeman was the one thing that made her load lighter. Hanuman Singh was the lone male in the mohalla who held a liberal view of women. Hence Babita founded "Patiala Babes" restaurant with her partner and daughter.

Naeem Bi, an acquaintance of Babita, , was the first to join as a restaurant staff. The elderly woman, who lived alone in her own mansion, became Mini's "Dadi Amma" as their relationship grew. Afterwards, the elderly woman took in Mrs. and Mr. Khurana (Mini's grandparents/Dadu and Biji) as tenants to aid her loneliness.

Everything went on well. Mini was finally happy with the little family she had. But things take no time to change. Blood relatives started proding into their life again. Instigating her mother, they created a permanent prick in relationship of the mother and daughter. Tired of woe they break up, and Minionly hope for love shattered.





Mini finished her first official project in Manali, after completing a 4-year graduation course in a Photography institute of Australia. Like every day, on that day she had expected her step-dad to call and check on her. But that day it wasn't him. Naeem Bi spoke from the other side. Hanuman and Babita had met an accident and they were no longer in the world.

The words hit her like a punch. She rushed back to her hometown. Unable to comprehend her emotions, unable to express it aloud, she locked the door of her bathroom and cried her heart out.

She could not to let herself be weak. She wanted to wash away her bitter memories. She wanted to leave the place and continue her life travelling around the world as a photographer.

But that wasn't how her luck had it. Mini discovered that Hanuman and Babita had another daughter. A toddler who was now an orphan. Although Mini appointed a nanny for Arya's aid, it did not seem enough. In such a tender age, Arya had to deal with the loss of her parents. Her dazed face told Mini everything she did not want to focus on. But her heart melted for the baby and she decided to stay back.

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