character bio

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Name: y/n pennywort.

Age: 19

Gender: female

Looks: h/c, h/l, e/c and wearing the two AGEs armlets, has a ton of scars from missions and punishments.

Affiliations: devil of the chrysanthemum, phyms mum, hound 1, ace of the hounds.

God eater type: Age (adaptive God eater)

God arcs: will use any of them as long as it gets the job done.

Powers from being an age:

- acceleration trigger; a combat system that allows the power of a god eater's Oracle cells is released, this has been called and Oracle cell subjective system. When activated, the power in a God arcs internal boosters is amplified creating a loop between body and arc that raises their abilities.

- engage; the engage system actives when you and a ally stay close to each other then grants them buffs but it only happens when they're in a certain range.

- enhanced speed, strength and senses.

Name: phym


Gender: female


Affiliation: chrysanthemum, y/n's daughter

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Affiliation: chrysanthemum, y/n's daughter

Origin: humanoid aragami

God arcs: heavy moon/assault gun/buckler
First location is going to be demon Slayer.

I everything in this book is owned by their respected owners

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