chapter 3

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You awaken to the crow cawing outside the window, you quietly move around the room not trying to wake the others. You see that nezuko is back in her box probably sleeping.

"Caw Caw please follow me pennywort-san and bring your daughter as well"

Nodding you walk over to phym and gently shake her awake, she lets off a big yawn then looks up at you. You pick her up then she snuggles into you neck yawning then looks at you with a questioning look.

"Where are we going mommy?"

"I don't know the crow is leading us."

You walk outside still carrying phym, you see the crow waiting for you on the fence post, he turns his head to look at you then he takes flight as you start to follow him as he leads the way.

"Where are you taking us?"

"Caw Caw I'm leading you to master, master wants to meet you Caw"

"Is it going to long to get there?"

"Caw unsure it depends on the person's Caw"

"What's your name Mr crow?"

The sentence bearly came out of phym as she said so tiredly but the crow seemed to hear her fine.

"Caw my name is matsuemon tennoji"

We kept walking for awhile before we stopped to rest since matsuemon was flying for a long period of time, he said he didn't need rest because he has flown for longer then this but he didn't mind. You actually didn't need a break from walking since you could do fights behind fights before nonstop this walk didn't really effect you.

You just wanted to stop and take in the scenery along with phym, it was so much more beautiful then the wasteland where you were from. The trees were so alive along with flowers you wished you could take a picture to show the other god eaters. The break was over so the three of you continued your walk.

It took another two hours before you arrived at your destination, matsuemon lead you to house that had a cobble garden outside of it. Matsuemon landed on one of your armlets before calling out.

"Caw master I've brought her Caw"

You see the door slide open reviling two children guiding a man with scars over his eyes they lead him to the edge of the wooden floor where the sun just hits his face.

"It feels like a lovely day today."

"Its really sunny out the sun feels very nice and it's very bright too."

"Thank you for that description child."

"That's ok, my name's phym and I'm here with my mommy."

You hadn't said a word yet as you were studying the man but when he talked it was like you were on air like you had done engage with someone. It was so gentle and kind that you couldn't believe someone like this existed in such a cruel dangerous world.

Phym walks up to him and grabs his hands and puts it on her face so he can feel what she looks like, you were scared on how he'd react to the horn on her head but when he got to it he didn't seem to mind he just smiled a little bit when he was done phym gave him a hug, it surprised him a bit but he hugged her back.

"Can I see you as well child?"

Matsuemon flew off you armlet as you walked towards the master you did the same as phym and put his hands on your face, his hands gently glide across your face feeling every scar you have gotten and the structure of your face.

"You are a strong one child having fought varies battles."

"Thank you sir."

You step back as you can see the small smile on his face as the children tug his hand telling him something.

"My name is kagaya ubuyashiki."

"A pleasure to meet you sir I'm y/n pennywort and I'd like to help with missions if I may."

"Of course pennywort-san we would gladly have your assistance, would you like your own crow or keep using matsuemon?"

"Matsuemon please."

"Of course, I'll start you with your on mission. There has been trouble in the south east."

"I'm on it right away"

We leave the area and matsuemon lands on my shoulder after he stayed back a bit. He stays on my armlet as we head back to the wisteria house.

"Are the boys coming along with me?"

"Caw no they'll be going north-northeast, I'll be leading you to your mission now Caw"

Phym holds on onto your hand as you travel to your mission area, you stopped along the way to check your God arcs.

"Phym how's your God arc?"

"It's ok mommy but I'll do some maintenance on it."

"You should get so rest sweetie, we don't know what we'll be up against."

"Ok mommy"

Phym goes and lies next to you shutting her eyes leaning on you, putting your arm around her holding her close as you looked over your God arc. matsuemon hops over taking a closer look at your God arc, he goes to peak it but you stop him.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you, unless if you want to be a monster or devoured from the inside out."

Matsuemon looks over to you to see if you're lying but when he sees the seriousness on your face he hops over to you and goes onto your lap as you pet his head, You look down at him tilting your head.

"Don't you have to tell the boys about their mission?"

"Caw I wanted to show you to your destination first Caw."

"Don't worry just tell me the way and I'll be fine."

"Caw just keep heading heading straight then you'll find the village you'll need."

"Thank you, have a safe flight."

Matsuemon takes off you watch as him leave your sight, you wait a bit longer as you wanted to get to the village a night so you can have an easier time finding the demon as you now know demons come out at dark. Phym woke up so now you're headed to village.

You can see the village from the distance then look down at phym then kneel in front of her making her tilt her head looking at you confused. You rip a bit of you clothing and wrapped it around her horn so she won't cause any panic in the village, You arrive there and walked through just as it hit night.

What you didn't know there was a pair of eyes on the both of you.

Taisho secrets

-ubuyashiki felt sad when he felt some of the scars on your face.

-he knew some of those scars weren't from demons but from people.

-he was happy when received the hug from phym.

-matsuemon wanted to ask what you meant if he touched to God arc he'll be devoured from the inside out.
Hoped you enjoyed this chapter.

Peace out.

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