chapter one

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You stand up holding phym close to as the air around you is cold so you made sure phym is still warm. You ignore the pulsing feeling when you stood up making sure phym was ok.

Me: are you ok phym?

Phym: I'm ok mommy just cold.

You look at all the trees and start walking still ignoring the stabbing pain you're feeling the sun was burning down on you but it brought you two no heat, you walked a bit further until you noticed a box on the ground with a blonde boy protecting it from a boy wearing animal mask of some sought you let phym down before rushing to protect the blonde boy.

Mask: fight me you coward!

You rush forward kicking the boy making him fly backwards as you stood infront of the blonde boy protectively you turn your head towards him making sure he's ok before focusing on the other one.

Me: are you alright? Phym sweetie could you heal him a bit.

Phym: yes mommy.

Phym stands next to him, he was about to scream and cry until he felt a calming aura wash over his body he looked a phym then back at you as you're holding back the masked boy with him not landing a single hit on you as another boy comes out and see what's happening.

Blonde: tanjiro I protected what was in here because it's important to you.

Phym steps away from him and stands behind your legs as you're still protecting them as you eyed the new boy before putting your God arc down kneeling down looking over the blonde boy.

Tanjiro: zenitsu thank you.

Learning the boys name you put a bandage around his head while make sure he's ok as the masked boy comes back making you stand going for your weapon has tanjiro stops you.

Tanjiro: please let me handle this.

You could only stare as another pulse of pain shoots through you making you collapse.

Phym: mommy!

You look up at phym as you smile at her while patting her head your hand shaking as pain running through it as zentisu looks on worried and confused about what's happening while also looking at tanjiro fighting the boar masked boy.

Me: I'm ok sweetie, it's nothing I can't handle.

You watch phym as phym pouts you turn your head to see tanjiro head but the masked boy who then stands still laughing at being hit while his mask falls off then collapses with his forehead bleeding.

Zenitsu: um thank you for protecting me...

Me: y/n pennywort and this is my daughter phym.

Phym waves shyly from behind you as tanjiro starts burying the bodies the same with zentisu doing the same as you stayed standing besides the boy who's knocked out while phym sticks by you as hug her making sure to bring her comfort in this strange place. You watch as the boy suddenly leaps up from the ground startling both you and phym as he start laughing.

Mask boy: ah ahahaaha!

He starts running around before facing zenitsu then chasing him around while you hold phym close to you making sure she doesn't end up getting hit from while keeping your God arc at the ready incase he decides to attack you. You feel your heart rushing at the thought of someone hurting phym.

Mask boy: hey you! fight me, fight me now!!!

Zenitsu: ah! is this how he wakes up!?

You cover phyms ears with how loud he was while also watching zenitsu hide behind tanjiro who is with three kids who you didn't notice before now praying at a burial. As you learned from zenitsu the boys name is inosuke.

Inosuke: huh, what the hell are you guys doing!!

Tanjiro: it's a burial.

Inosuke: huh!?

Tanjiro: you help, too, inosuke, there are still people killed inside the house.

Me: would you like me to help tanjiro?

Tanjiro: no thank you pennywort-san please rest with your daughter.

Me: alright.

Inosuke: what's the point of burying the corpse of creatures? I'm not doing that! Forget-

You can feel your blood pressure rise as inosuke says those things about the dead, you've seen it to many times people dying before they can achieve their dreams like some of the ages before you, you continue to fight for them as you carry on their dreams so hearing inosuke say that feels like he's disrespecting them. Before you can tell at him tanjiro convinced him to get the rest of the bodies out of the house and bury them.

Me: phym do you want to pay your respects?

Phym: yes mommy.

You hold phyms hand going towards the grave then kneeling next to tanjiro and zenitsu as inosuke headbutts a tree near by.

Crow: CAW CAW!

Phym: mmhm?

Me: huh?

Crow: descend the mountain, descend the mountain!

Phym: mommy is that bird talking?

Me: I believe so, *thoughts* where did we just end up?

Crow: alright everyone, follow yours truly! CAW CAW!

You stand up along with phym gaining inosuke's attention as he then looks at phym.

Inosuke: rahh! Demon fight me!

Phym jumps as he tells at her and starts running towards her make her stand behind you while you glared at him you drop your God arc so you don't accidentally kill him for calling your daughter a demon.

Me: activate.

Everyone stares at you confused except for phym so hides away. Your armlets glow before you vanish before their eyes and reappear next to him kicking his back slamming him into the ground then grabbing  his shoulder picking him up to face you.

Me: if you ever call my daughter a demon ever again I will break you in half. Got it?

Inosuke only nods as all of descend the mountain frightening all the of the boys but the kids look at you in awe.

Taisho secrets

- when tanjiro smelt you he could smell death, ash, sweet and bitter things but he could smell the kindness off you when your near phym. Phym smelt the same but less potent but phym also smelt like nezuko he also smelt an unknown smell of both of you.

- you remind tanjiro of his mother with how much you care for phym.

-zenitsu could hear screams, ash after a fire, growls, scratching and flowers. He could hear the same from phym but he can the sounds of water, sun and laughter.

- all three of the boys are a little terrified of you because of your scars and how you acted when inosuke called phym a demon.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Peace out

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